Alba — "G. Ferrero" Civic Library
Cecco the Teddy Bear
What could be nicer for a child than a friend to play with? A friend who is always available, never tired, never says no, ready for your every wish?
from Saturday
20 July 2024
at 21:00
to Saturday
20 July 2024
at 23:00
Alba’s “G. Ferrero” Civic Library closes its “The Tree Tells…” series with a joyful event.
On the evening of Saturday, July 20, at 9 p.m., in the Magdalena Courtyard, Pandemonium Teatro company will stage the show Cecco the Teddy Bear.
A tender story of friendship and affection that binds Titian, an adult with a childlike soul, and Cecco, his stuffed bear.
What could be nicer for a child than a friend to play with? A friend who is always available, never tired, never says no, ready for your every wish? But where can one find such friends? Well, sometimes they can be found … however, you have to look hard and often for quite a while.
While waiting to discover this great treasure, almost every child finds a good substitute in a stuffed animal: a teddy bear, a duck, a rabbit, maybe a cuddly little sheep! And how many games can be played with this friend!
On the evening of Saturday, July 20, adults and children alike can find out along with Tiziano Manzini, the actor in the show, and his teddy bear.
Organized by
Biblioteca Civica “G. Ferrero” Guarene
20 July 2024
20 July 2024
How to participate
Free event
On the occasion of the performance, the Civic Library also remains open in the evening hours from 8:30 to 11 pm.
Indirizzo: Biblioteca civica "G. Ferrero" di Alba, Via Vittorio Emanuele, Alba, CN, Italia
"G. Ferrero" Civic Library
Biblioteca civica "G. Ferrero" di Alba, Via Vittorio Emanuele, Alba, CN, Italia
Directions ↝
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