Neive — Bottega dei Quattro Vini
Open store
Bottega dei 4 vini in Neive organizes every Wednesday in July from 7 to 11 p.m.: an evening of excellent wine, good music and conviviality.
from Wednesday
10 July 2024
at 19:00
to Wednesday
10 July 2024
at 23:00

Strolling through the streets of Neive’s Borgo Antico, among narrow streets and alleyways, you will catch a glimpse of the archway that leads to the cellars of the Town Hall, and it is there that the Bottega dei Quattro Vini is based.
Founded in 1983 by a small group of Neive winemakers, to represent Neive and its wines in the World, it is still today the meeting point, to spend pleasant moments in company.
During the Neivese summer, the workshop organizes an event that enlivens Wednesdays in July.
Every week, from 7 to 11 p.m., an evening of excellent wine, good music and conviviality.
Event Details:
- When: Every Wednesday in July from 03 until 31
- Hours: 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
- Where: Italy Square 2, in the dehor of the Bottega
What awaits you:
- Wine of Neive: Taste fine wines from local producers, with a different selection for each evening, from bubbles to Barbaresco!
- Gastronomic pairings: appetizers with tasty dishes, local products and more, for a menu that fits every episode
- Music DJ Set: Each night, a different artist will perform live, providing the perfect soundtrack for your evening.
We will provide you with glass and bag for the tasting trail or you can bring your favorite glass from home and immerse yourself in a festive and cheerful atmosphere.
“BOTTEGA APERTA” is the perfect opportunity to relax after a day of work, meet friends and enjoy good music, all with the best flavors Neive has to offer.
Mark your calendar every Wednesday in July and come share the joy and lightheartedness.
Organized by
Bottega dei 4 Vini – Neive

10 July 2024
10 July 2024
How to participate
Every Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Indirizzo: Piazza Italia, 2, Neive, CN, Italia
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