Diano d’Alba — Parish Square of St. John the Baptist
Admiring the supermoon in the hills of Diana: a magical night
An excursion with the full Supermoon closest to the autumnal equinox in our hemisphere.
from Wednesday
18 September 2024
at 20:00
to Wednesday
18 September 2024
at 23:15
A date not to be missed: this special evening’s Supermoon is the closest full Moon to the autumnal equinox in our hemisphere.
In some cultures it was called the Harvest Moon; Native Americans also used to call it the Mating Moon, in fact the mating season for deer and roe deer begins at this time . It will be a special opportunity to admire our satellite at the time of its “perigee,” walk illuminated by its light and walk together through the hills of the Diano d’Alba area.
Then tell mythological stories related to the figure of the Goddess Diana, worshipped in the past in this territory, stories of characters and animals, stories that will introduce us to the “love” customs of the ungulates that populate the silent nights of the hills.
It will be the last evening-night walk of a summer that is ending, in the most interesting period that precisely of the “Harvest” of the grapes.
It is possible, before departure, to enjoy a good aperitif accompanied by tasty pizzas at the panoramic balcony of the local “‘na Mica d’Pan,” or at the “Agricultural Union.”
Meet at 7:45 pm at Diano d’Alba (Cn) c/o Piazzale Parrocchiale di San Giovanni Battista.
Departure 8:00 pm.
Return at about 23:00.
Trail length trail + historic center about 8.5 km. Total elevation gain 405 mt. Appropriate clothing and footwear, flashlight or headlamp (also cell phone flashlight) are recommended.
Hike led by tour guide, AIGAE environmental hiking guide, Piedmont Region with narration of the area and insights. In case of rain, the walk will not take place; if in doubt, in case of expected bad weather, contact Terre Alte.
Organized by
Terre Alte Escursioni e Turismo

18 September 2024
18 September 2024
How to participate
15.00 € excursion (excluding tastings and consumptions if provided) Free under 12 years old. By applying for the Friendly Card (free of charge) for every 10 excursions you will be entitled to, 1 free. Reservations for the excursion can be made to Terre Alte through the form on the website, WhatsApp or phone.
Indirizzo: Diano d'Alba, CN, Italia
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