Alba — Diocesan Museum
45 meters above Alba
Special guided tour of the Cathedral bell tower...with tea and cookies
from Saturday
27 April 2024
at 15:30
to Saturday
27 April 2024
at 18:00
During the month of April and on the occasion of the Vinum event , MUDI – Diocesan Museum of Alba – is organizing special afternoons of guided tours of the double bell tower of the Cathedral of San Lorenzo on Saturday, April 27.
The Romanesque bell tower of Alba Cathedral is one of the city’s most representative monuments and characterizes the downtown skyline along with the medieval towers.
Diocesan Museum guides will take you through the history of the Cathedral up to a height of 45 meters: in fact, by climbing up the steps between the walls of the two bell towers you will reach the top of the ancient tower and from here you can admire the “city of 100 towers” from above.
The visit will continue in the archaeological path under the Cathedral, where evidence of the city’s Roman and medieval past is preserved, brought to light thanks to excavations
archaeological excavations conducted since 2007.
The afternoon will end, for all participants, with a snack in the flower garden of the Cathedral rectory.
Two rounds of visits are planned: 3:30 p.m. and 5 p.m.
Organized by
MUDI – Museo Diocesano di Alba
27 April 2024
27 April 2024
How to participate
10,00 € adults
5.00 € adults Torino Musei subscribers
6,00 € reduced from 6 to 14 years old
3,00 € reduced from 6 to 14 years old Torino Musei subscribers
Free under 6 years old
Indirizzo: MuDi - MUSEO DIOCESANO ALBA La Cattedrale Sotterranea, Piazza Rossetti, Alba, CN, Italia
Diocesan Museum
MuDi - MUSEO DIOCESANO ALBA La Cattedrale Sotterranea, Piazza Rossetti, Alba, CN, Italia
Directions ↝
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