Santo Stefano Roero — Maiolo

Nocturnes in the Rocks: Arcassé

Night walks with animations dedicated to morganas, women outside the box, and in-depth historical, botanical, artistic, archaeological: night sports-folkloric.

from Tuesday

18 June 2024

at 20:45

to Tuesday

18 June 2024

at 22:45

The summer night walks proposed by the Ecomuseum, in collaboration with the Pro Loco and local associations in the area, inaugurate the 15th edition.

This will kick off the series of 19 walks in as many Roero municipalities, on ever-changing itineraries, set on Tuesdays and Fridays in June, July and early September.

The walks last about 2 hours (including animation or in-depth study), and average 5 km in length.

Each walk ends with a final snack and fragrant bedtime teas.

Sports shoes are mandatory and a flashlight is recommended.

June 18

S. Stefano Roero. Sports-folkloric night.

Nature walk with in-depth discussion “Arcassé. A narrative about the game of fistball” by Paolo Tibaldi.

Meeting h.20:45, departure h. 21:00 in Maiolo.

Organized by

Ecomuseo delle Rocche del Roero


18 June 2024

at 20:45


18 June 2024

at 22:45

How to participate

10,00 €

Free for children up to 12 years old (recommended for 8 and up unless there is already good cammianing training)

In case of bad weather, events are cancelled.

A cup or glass is encouraged for the final teas (to avoid using disposable cups).

Indirizzo: Piazza Luigi Maiolo, Piazza Luigi Maiolo, Santo Stefano Roero, CN, Italia Maiolo

Piazza Luigi Maiolo, Piazza Luigi Maiolo, Santo Stefano Roero, CN, Italia
Directions ↝

Ecomuseo delle Rocche del Roero

L'Ecomuseo delle Rocche del Roero è un museo a cielo aperto nato per valorizzare la dorsale geologica delle Rocche, un "piccolo canyon" di 40 km di lunghezza, ricco di biodiversità e caratteristico del Roero. Una fitta rete di Sentieri tematici palinati attende i visitatori per escursioni organizzate o in autonomia, per attività di trekking o mtb, da abbinare a visite a castelli e musei, o degustazioni di vino, miele, nocciole. Per esplorare il territorio del Roero e la sua natura, l'Ecomuseo offre anche servizio di audioguide con navigazione integrata dei Sentieri tematici, gratuite e bilingue (IT / EN) .

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