San Ponso — Piazzale del Battistero

Festival of Frogs

The Frog Festival returns, now in its 22nd year with a rich program

from Wednesday

24 April 2024

at 20:00

to Sunday

28 April 2024

at 00:30

San Ponso in ancient times was crisscrossed by rivers and streams of uncertain course and punctuated by a myriad of bodies of water that made it a marshy and wet environment, populated by a considerable amount of amphibians that found a perfect habitat there.
Thanks to thereclamation work of the ancient Romans, the area was rehabilitated, but, in the areas that remained marshy, frogs and toads continued to proliferate, becoming a source of sustenance for the local populations.
Even today, although centuries have passed, the people of San Ponso are nicknamed the Ranër (in Piedmontese, those of the frogs), and it is for this reason that, from a brilliant idea of the local Pro Loco and its presidents , the Frog Festival was born!
There will be rich surprises and great eats and the music that will always keep us company every night.


Wednesday, April 24

8 p.m.

Dinner with frogs and more (reservations welcome and recommended).

10:30 p.m.

Latin revival evening and all-around music with entertainment by Radio Gran Paradiso (free admission).

Thursday, April 25

From 09.00 onwards

XII vintage tractor rally with static display.

From 10.00 a.m. until late afternoon

In the beautiful setting of the Romanesque Baptistery and the Plebian Complex, “Holy Drinker” route with craft beer tasting by Master Brewers, sale of typical local products and exhibition of wood, glass and ceramic works made by skilled artisans.
Medieval games for all children, young and a little older, with the Alloderi group.

From 10.00 a.m. onwards

Green Volleyball Tournament” for boys and girls aged 9 to 16, in cooperation with “Gianferr Volleyball of Favria

From 10:45 a.m.

Sightseeing tour of the country with vintage tractors.

12:30 p.m.

Lunch with frogs and more (reservations welcome and recommended).

From 3 p.m. onward

Afternoon entertained by the group“Country Street.”

From 3:15 p.m. onward

Demonstrations of plowing and log pulling.

8:15 p.m.

Dinner with frogs and more (reservations welcome and recommended).

10:30 p.m.

Dance evening with the orchestra “Marco Picchiottino” (free admission).

Friday, April 26

8 p.m.

Dinner with frogs and more (reservations welcome and recommended) followed by dance evening with the orchestra “Marco Picchiottino” (free admission).

Saturday, April 27

8 p.m.

Dinner with frogs and more (reservations welcome and recommended).

10:30 p.m.

Dance night with “Kiss” (free admission).

Sunday, April 28

From 10:00 a.m.

in cooperation with the National Fire Department, A.I.B, Civil Defense and the Italian Red CrossRivarolo Canavese ODV Committeeteam drills and games with water equipment.

12:30 p.m.

Lunch with frogs and more (reservations welcome and recommended).

From 3 p.m. onward

The first Holi-Rana Color Party of the Frog Festival, with the participation of“Radio GranParadiso” and the collaboration of“Cavallari Gino snc,” dress code recommended: white T-shirt.

8:10 p.m.

Special dinner with Valencian-style paella and frogs (reservations welcome and recommended), followed by dance evening with the orchestra “Franco and the Italian band,” free admission.



Organized by

Sagra delle Rane San Ponso Canavese


24 April 2024

at 20:00


28 April 2024

at 00:30

How to participate

Reservations are appreciated for lunches and dinners.
Admission to dance evenings is free.
Take-out frogs are available by making reservations by 6 p.m.

Indirizzo: Piazzale del Battistero san ponso

Piazzale del Battistero

Piazzale del Battistero san ponso
Directions ↝

Sagra delle Rane San Ponso Canavese

In epoca pre-romana parte del territorio canavesano, San Ponso incluso, era attraversato da fiumi e torrenti dal corso incerto che lo rendevano un ambiente paludoso e umido, popolato da una notevole quantità di anfibi che lì trovavano un habitat perfetto. Grazie all’opera di bonifica degli antichi romani il territorio venne risanato, ma, nelle zone rimaste acquitrinose, rane e rospi continuarono a proliferare divenendo fonte di sostentamento per le popolazioni locali. Ancora oggi, sebbene siano passati secoli, gli abitanti di San Ponso vengono soprannominati “i Ranër” (in piemontese, “quelli delle rane”), ed è per questo motivo che, da una brillante idea della Pro Loco locale, è nata la Sagra delle Rane!

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