Production zone
Only in the area between the Tanaro and the Vermenagna rivers.
Cheese of oat’s molk, sometimes with cow’s milk, fat or half-fat, with raw, half-hard and pressed dough.
Shape and dimensions
Cylindric shape, with 30-35 cm diameter, 8-10 cm high. Weighs 4 to 8 kilos. Thin rind, dark yellow, that thickens during the seasoning.
Looks of the dough
Compact dough, white or pale yellow; when seasoned, it can have green veins.
Production technique
It is made with oat’s molk, sometimes mixed with cow’s milk.
The milk is warmed up at 37° C, and mixed with rennet; after having been coagulated and broken it is left alone for one hour.
The mix is then taken, kneaden and pressed. The seasoning lasts at least two months, sometimes up to one year.
Taste and smell
delicate flavours whren the cheese is fresh; more intense when it’s seasoned, because of the oat’s milk. Its sweet taste is more intense in the fresh moulds, while the seasoned ones are a bit hot.
How to eat it
Recommended wines
Nebbiolo d’Alba, Roero giovane, Dolcetto di Diano d’Alba.
L’ONAF (Organizzazione Nazionale Assaggiatori di Formaggi), nata nel 1989 in Piemonte dove ha tuttora le sede nel prestigioso Castello di Grinzane Cavour (CN), si propone la diffusione della conoscenza e del corretto assaggio dei formaggi. Conta circa Assaggiatori. L’ONAF è presente in tutta Italia, isole comprese, attraverso quindici Delegazioni Interprovinciali. Si diventa soci iscrivendosi all’ONAF, si diventa Assaggiatori e Maestri dopo aver superato con profitto i corsi di studio di 1° e 2° livello, che danno diritto ai relativi distintivi color argento e oro.
ONAF (Organizzazione Nazionale Assaggiatori di Formaggi - National Association of Cheese Tasters), has as an aim the diffusion of knowledge of cheese and of correct tasting methods. It has about 1500 members, divided in: Members, Tasters and Master Tasters. ONAF has fifteen Delegations in fifteen regions. To become a member it's enough to pay an annual free, to become Tasters and Master Tasters it's necessary too participate to the first- and second-level courses and to pass a final exam
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