Wandering in Langa
Valentine's day in Langa mush-proof romance

As often happens with festivities of a Christian nature, Valentine’s Day has lost its original meaning over the centuries, gaining the reputation of commercial ideation, sometimes lived with difficulty by those who – with some reason on their side – just “don’t get it“.
Love must be celebrated all year round, I’ll give you that. But we do often forget about it, or take it for granted.
Common places now label it as a women’s party, in which the poor man is forced to show off the few, discounted aces up his sleeve to meet the expectations of his romantic partner. What I think is, if you choose to celebrate, might as well celebrate well.
In conclusion to this introduction I wonder: you don’t believe in this celebration of romantic love? Well then, feel free to ignore it. You wish to celebrate it but you rather not book months ahead at the super fancy restaurant in town? Let’s analyze your possibilities together.
The Langhe are an uncommon choice, full of different proposals, but at the same time ideal for those who just want the good old great location with excellent food & wine. Here are my suggestions. (N.B. The events are exclusively in italian, feel free to call the contacts to request more informations)
What better way to honor a relationship, both consolidated or new, to sit face to face at a candlelit table while being served and revered with excessive quantities of food and wine?
Well, everyone knows Langhe are great for this, with proposals that vary by menu, atmosphere, price and location. Here are some of our favorites:
The day can be made up of different steps: a guided tour of a winery, followed by a walk along some of the most scenic roads of Langhe, to then end up sitting at a table enjoying some great food, wherever you prefer.
Instead of going for the best known wineries, which would risk denoting a short research and little effort, delegate the main choice to “Porte Aperte in Cantina” (Wineries open their doors): this event collaborates with small producers, selected for the quality of their wines and the genuineness of their work, which you would hardly get to know otherwise.
All you’ll need to do is choose among the partecipants the winery that matches your taste, and then book a tour with just a few clicks.
Click here to view the full list!
Something different from the usual yet so close to the romantic chivalric ideal. Imagine: you two, on horseback, a few moments of fear and discomfort and then that wonderful feeling of being outside the comfort zone and loving it.
Whether you feel forced to celebrate this day or not, make sure that you both live an unusual, if not new, experience.
There are many realities that offer this service, also in this case with a different scope: it can be the same structure where you’ll eventually have dinner or even spend the night, or a simple stop along a pre-established route. Here are some suggestions:
I realize the slight discomfort of the winter temperature, but nothing is unsolvable: if well prepared ahead you can enjoy an incredible vespa ride even in these cold months.
Well aware of the heritage it has to offer, the Langhe area has various rental services, where you can choose between guided tours or indipendent rides.
You and your partner can wander the hilly streets, find hidden corners of this land full of surprises, stop at will and crown this day with another memorable experience. Here are just a few of the many contacts available:
This is an option valid both as the only element or as an ingredient of a perfect day, in any case it never goes wrong.
By now in the Langhe, saying “spa” is almost like saying “winery”: they’re everywhere, with emotional itineraries and pools of various temperatures.
Some also offer the possibility to book a time range in complete intimacy, in which to enjoy the services and relax away from prying eyes. Here are a few: