The St. Florence’s Chapel is situated in Bastia Mondovì, along the old Salt Way.
It was a place of refreshment and prayer for all the pilgrims and travellers who travelled towards the sea. The chapel was built in the XII Century and was expanded in the XV Century, when more than an artist painted its frescoes.
The authors of this 362 m2 frescoed cycle are not known. We can suppose they were Jacquerio, Massucco and the school of Johannes Canavesio, who painted most of the chapels of the North-West of Italy with the same style.
Along the nave and in the presbytery we can see, as in a stage, the Saint Florence’ and Jesus Christ’ life. But the most charming and appreciated side is the representation of the
Heaven and the Hell. The first one is represented as a peaceful and tidy place.
The pilgrims know that they will have to do the seven Acts of Mercy in their life to join it. They are represented outside the wall of the Heavenly Jerusalem.
Opposite the seven Acts of Mercy there are the seven Vices that conduct directly into Lucifer’s mouth. The Hell is full of torturer devils who inflict the worst punishments to the damned souls and, not less, impress the unsuspecting visitors.
A group of enthusiast volunteers care the chapel and make it available to the visitors through free visits.
The chapel is open for free visits every Sunday from April to October from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., you can reserve a visit calling one of the following numbers: 338 4395585 Mr. Aldo – +39 0174 60233 Mr. Lino.
Alternatively, you can combine a guided visit to the Chapel simultaneously with the visit of the Bricco Cucù Cellar located within walking distance.
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