Business Hours
10.00 → 13.00
14.00 → 18.00
Closing Day
The muBATT – Museum of the Battle of Ceresole d’Alba, inaugurated on the 29th of September 2019, was born from the collaboration between the Municipality of Ceresole d’Alba and the Municipality and the Tourist Office of Saint-Paul-de-Vence, a beautiful village in Provence deeply linked to the Roero town.
The characteristic walls of the French village were in fact erected at the time of Francis I, as a symbol of the victory against the Spanish troops of Charles V in the historic battle of Ceresole in 1544, which left over 8000 dead soldiers and thousands of wounded on the field.
It is to remember this battle that the MuBatt museum space was opened, within the European project “SuCCeS”, funded by the INTERREG V ALCOTRA France – Italy 2014 – 2020 program.
Created by redeveloping the spaces of the old market wing of the Municipality of Ceresole d’Alba, the new exhibition space will allow visitors to discover the events and curiosities of one of the most important battles fought by foreign armies in Italian territory.
The museum was designed with a strong multimedia characterization with an interactive and immediate path, to stimulate the interest of school groups and in general to intrigue the visitor with respect to this historical event.
The museum was designed with a strong multimedia characterization with an interactive and immediate path.

MuBATT Museum of the Battle
The muBATT is dedicated to the Battle of Ceresole d'Alba in 1544.
The protagonists of the battle, which took place on April 14, 1544, were the French army of Francis I and the army of the Imperials led by Charles V, who challenged each other to obtain hegemony in Italian territory. The clash, which saw around 30,000 soldiers as protagonists, ended with the victory of the French army.
The municipalities of Ceresole d'Alba and Saint Paul de Vence have a common history, as demonstrated by the presence of the high walls and the cannon of Saint-Paul-de-Vence, the former royal city: both buildings were in fact commissioned by Fransis I to symbolize the victory.
The finds represent the memory of the conflicts that took place during the wars of Italy and are the starting point of the SuCCeS project financed by the INTERREG V ALCOTRA France - Italy 2014 - 2020 program which allowed the realization of the Museum, of future itineraries of the Battle of Ceresole d'Alba and a path around the walls of Saint Paul de Vence.
The Rooms
The visit itinerary aims to narrate the battle and highlight the close link between the territory of Ceresole d'Alba and its extraordinary history, full of vicissitudes.
Among the halls of the exhibition space, the visitor will be able to discover the battle, admiring the testimonies and historical relics preserved preciously over the centuries.
The upper floor is not accessible to those with motor disabilities because the stairlift has not yet been installed.
However, it is possible to view the layout of the upper floor through a tablet installed on the ground floor.
The multifunctional hall
The Museum of the Battle of Ceresole d’Alba, in addition to the three exhibition rooms, has a large hall in which the Administration and municipal associations usually offer recreational / cultural events and activities.
To stay updated on these activities, visit the website
N° of rooms
N° of floors
Visit Duration
Ticket Price
Guided Visit

Found in the Ceresolese countryside used during the battle of 1544
The tree is located near the path of one of the future paths of the battle of Ceresole d’Alba.
during the presentation conference of the Battle of Ceresole d’Alba and the newborn Museum.
Prices & Services
Opening hours
Free entrance
Access to the museum is free for everyone, but it is allowed only on the last Sunday of each month.
There is however the possibility to book an extraordinary opening by writing to
Accepted Payments

International Museum of Women Artists (MIDA)
Chiesa della Madonna dei Prati, Via Artuffi, Ceresole Alba, CN, Italia
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Museum of the Battle
in Ceresole d’Alba
Museum of the Battle
in Ceresole d’Alba

Business Hours
10.00 → 13.00
14.00 → 18.00