
Filled peaches

May 16, 2011


  • 6 yellow peaches
  • 100 g amaretti
  • 2 spoons of bitter cocoa powder
  • 2 spoons of sugar
  • 2 egg yolks


The best peaches are the sciaparine, those that break in half with a simple touch: in La Morra they are called persi del porèt and are oval, like a lemon.

Take the peaches and boil them very quickly, peel them and take their stones away.

In a bowl break the amaretti into crumbles and add the cocoa, the sugar and the egg yolks: mix with care and put the mix in the peaches’ hollows after having enlarged them with a little spoon (not too much!).

Put the peaches in a baking-pan and put them in the oven at 160°C for half an hour. Serve cold.