Sanfrè — Castle

Guided tours and fuasets at the Castle

A full day of guided tours of Sanfrè Castle with a sampling of the town's typical cake and tasting of a glass of wine

from Sunday

24 March 2024

at 10:00

to Sunday

24 March 2024

at 18:00

On Sunday, March 24, the castle that sits on the hilltop of Sanfrè, just a few kilometers from Bra and Carmagnola, will be the protagonist of afull day of guided tours departing every hour.


The garden

The visit will begin with a tour of the garden, from which there are sweeping views of the Cuneo plain and theAlpine arc

The castle

Inside you will be able to visit some of the 16th-century rooms, including the splendid Salone dei Duchi, where the Isnardi family hosted the Dukes of Savoy, with the alcove section and ceilings full of wonderful stucco and frescoes from the late 16th century.

The tour will not only be “guided,” but also narrated®, as the guide will take the opportunity to tell stories and anecdotes, such as the origin of the curious “hen palio“, and especially describe the great importance the Castle had in history for the surrounding agricultural land, availing itself of the title “Castle of the Land”; today it is at the center of a strong presence of cereal and fodder crops with livestock farms.


The tour will end with a sampling of fuaset, a typical village dessert made from bread dough, and the tasting of a glass of wine from the Sicca Vini Winery.

The dessert is traditionally prepared during Lent and here revived on the last Sunday, paired with local wines.

Organized by

Turismo in Langa


24 March 2024

at 10:00


24 March 2024

at 18:00

How to participate


12.00 € Guided tour of the castle and tasting of Fuaset adults

10.00 € Guided tour of the Castle and tasting of Fuaset children (ages 6 to 12)

Free Guided tour of the castle and tasting of Fuaset children under 6 years old

Hourly visiting shifts in 10:00 → 12:00 and 14:00 → 17:00 hours every hour.

Payment can be made on site.

To attend the event, simply register via the online registration form.

Indirizzo: Castello Di Sanfrè, Via delle Chiese, Sanfrè, CN, Italia


Castello Di Sanfrè, Via delle Chiese, Sanfrè, CN, Italia
Directions ↝

Turismo in Langa

Dal 1988 l’obiettivo dell’Associazione Turismo in Langa è quello di valorizzare le bellezze del territorio, assecondandone l’inevitabile vocazione turistica. Nel corso degli anni abbiamo lavorato con impegno e passione, in stretta collaborazione con le amministrazioni pubbliche, con volontari e produttori, per la valorizzazione del territorio. Anche noi, così, possiamo dire d’aver contribuito a rendere le Langhe celebri in tutto il mondo per il turismo enogastronomico, ma soprattutto per il loro straordinario patrimonio paesaggistico e culturale, per i castelli, i musei e per le tante iniziative. Oggi l’impegno di Turismo in Langa continua, sospinto dai successi ottenuti in questi anni: insieme a soci e collaboratori, non ci stanchiamo di immaginare nuovi itinerari e ideare eventi e manifestazioni innovative.

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