Roddi — Relevance of the castle of Roddi

Vinum: chef Luigi Taglienti

A food and wine tour to discover the fine DOC and DOCG appellations of Piedmont directed by Michelin-starred chef

from Friday

26 April 2024

at 20:30

to Friday

26 April 2024

at 23:00

Vinum’s formula is that of a city embracing its excellence and revealing it along the streets and through the squares.

Vinum is an event that brings together wine connoisseurs, gourmets and those who want to be passionate about the art and culture of the lower Piedmont region, being lulled by the beauty of the vineyards and hills that in 2014 Unesco recognized as a World Heritage Site.

Vinum is the opportunity to stroll through the streets of the city tasting the best wines of the area through food and wine tastings in the city’s iconic places.

The event with Chef Taglienti

A food and wine tour to discover the fine DOC and DOCG appellations of Piedmont.

AIS sommeliers, on hand throughout the evening, will be able to advise and guide in the choice of wines from bubbles, whites, rosés, reds and aromatics.

The chef

A Ligurian by birth and in fact, he has family of varied origins covering much of Italy.

Very early and romantically he understood that he was going to be a chef; the great Italian chefs passed on to him the love of raw material, the great French chefs the importance of knowing how to transform it and the basic classical techniques, the great Spanish, Nordic, and South American chefs the importance that one can and should dare everything in the kitchen.

On his cooking, Chef Taglienti speaks this way going into specifics:

My cooking is based on intuition, sensitivity and the ability to read the raw material with the added use of technique to arrive at a final idea, never to conceive it. My offerings are able to appeal to a cross-section of audiences, from the curious person eager to learn and know about haute cuisine, to the most experienced wine and food critic, working on 4 very different yet extremely consistent cooking styles. My dishes come from instinct, they come out already imagined somewhere and with a story to tell

As the backbone of his creative process, adherence to the territory but also new paths:

It is a creative process that weaves together all my history and all my passion for this work. Tradition, modernity, lightness and territory are the real ingredients of my cuisine. I don’t just imagine dishes to be enjoyed. Without taking risks, my work and projects could not evolve and ideas would inevitably deteriorate. Every now and then I feel that I have to dare, to explore new paths that sometimes lead me to beautiful experiences or to manifest what people recognize as new

The menu

The menu is specially designed for the event and includes:

  • Scallop nut, sea freshness and colors
  • Lemon risotto, sheep blue and chicken gravy
  • Lamb saddle fillet, eggplant with squid ink
  • Vanilla cream cloud, passion fruit
  • Coffee and citrus cream cannoncini

During the dinner, it will be possible to choose which label to taste from awide selection of Piedmontese wines, in a food and wine journey to discover the fine Doc and Docg appellations of Piedmont.

No changes are expected, however, please report any allergies within 72 hours of the event by sending an email to

The tables are convivial.

Organized by

Vinum Alba


26 April 2024

at 20:30


26 April 2024

at 23:00

How to participate

120.00 € full

90.oo € discounted until April 10

To make reservations click here.

Indirizzo: Via Carlo Alberto, 15, 12060 Roddi CN, Italia

Relevance of the castle of Roddi

Via Carlo Alberto, 15, 12060 Roddi CN, Italia
Directions ↝

Vinum Alba

Vinum è una vetrina e al contempo un’occasione per degustare i più grandi vini del Piemonte. Le produzioni d’eccellenza del nostro territorio si presentano nel centro storico di Alba accompagnate allo Street Food ëd Langa, cibo di strada di alta qualità, ricco di storia e di tradizione langarola. Nei giorni di Vinum le piazze della città diventano banchi d’assaggio dedicati alla degustazione delle principali tipologie di vini prodotte nella zona: il Barolo, il Barbaresco, il Dolcetto, il Moscato, il Roero Arneis e il Roero, i bianchi delle Langhe, l’Asti Spumante e i vini del Monferrato, senza dimenticare le Grappe e i distillati del Piemonte. Le degustazioni, guidate e curate dall’AIS Associazione Italiana Sommelier, avvengono dalle 10.30 alle 20.00 per tutta la durata della manifestazione.

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