Alba — Museum "Federico Eusebio"
Digital dreams - digital dreams
Paolo Vergnano's exhibition is a florilegium of elements taken from zoological nature in real environments, animals such as zebras, pelicans or giraffes, creating surreal and dreamlike atmospheres
from Tuesday
30 April 2024
at 10:00
to Sunday
05 May 2024
at 19:00
From Feb. 25 to Sept. 29, 2024, the Federico Eusebio Civic Museum in Alba will host a solo exhibition by Alba artist Paolo Vergnano entitled “Sogni digitali – Digital Dreams.”
The Maccario Hall of the Alba museum, the scene of elegant temporary exhibitions, will thus be embellished with Vergnano’s images in which elements of zoological nature often appear in real environments, animals such as zebras, pelicans or giraffes, creating surreal and dreamlike atmospheres.
Paolo Vergnano, a biologist who has been passionate about artistic photography for many years and has won numerous national and international awards, tells:
“I started with the idea of translating into photography, the different perception that man has with respect to nature regarding the concept of gift.
Nature is forthright and does not make use of gratuitous actions; it feeds on light and darkness.
We have a natural difficulty in recognizing what is, from what appears.
A flower for example, we connect it to a gift that nature has created solely for us, when it is nothing more than a way to promulgate the species.”
The use of postproduction techniques for the artist is not meant to be aimed at marveling with spectacularity, but at creating a dreamlike atmosphere, peculiar to these places.
While the fact of shooting mostly the animal world is a choice consistent with his love for nature and hisbeing a vegetarian.
Vergnano continues:
I wanted to express the sacredness of life in a potential form, a quiescent phase, suspended between winter and spring, life and death, sleep and wakefulness.
The plant, as it appears in my work is in a transitional phase, ready to transform into what we consider proper with flowers and leaves.
To enhance this thought, I focused on the least conspicuous time of year and the roots, the hidden part of the tree, without which, however, all this would not be possible.”
The exhibition will have the following opening hours: Tuesday through Friday, 3 to 6 p.m., Saturday, Sunday and holidays, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3 to 7 p.m. Free admission.
Organized by
Ambiente & Cultura

30 April 2024
05 May 2024
How to participate
Free admission
Opening hours:
February 25 to September 29, 2024
Tuesday through Friday from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Indirizzo: Museo Civico Federico Eusebio, Via Vittorio Emanuele, Alba, CN, Italia

Museum "Federico Eusebio"
Museo Civico Federico Eusebio, Via Vittorio Emanuele, Alba, CN, Italia
Directions ↝
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