Santo Stefano Belbo — Pavese Foundation

Pavese film festival: living without writing I do not live

The event that annually brings art, literature, music and theater into dialogue among the hills so beloved by the writer

from Monday

02 September 2024

at 12:00

to Monday

09 September 2024

at 00:00

Back in Santo Stefano Belbo from Monday, Sept. 2 to Monday, Sept. 9, 2024, is the Pavese Festival, the event that annually brings art, literature, music and theater into dialogue among the hills so beloved by the writer.

The theme of this year’s edition is Living without writing I do not live, a phrase taken from a letter by Cesare Pavese to literary critic Aldo Camerino dated June 16, 1950.

This sentence offers a dual opportunity to reflect on the inseparable relationship between writing and life, as well as on letters as a means of expression and valuable testimony to a personal experience but also to anera and an environment.

Cesare Pavese Foundation director Pierluigi Vaccaneo explains :

The guiding theme of each edition of the Festival is meant to be an opportunity to reflect not only on the writer ‘s work but also on our awareness of our relationship with our inner sel ves and what lies outside of us.


The literature should be a dialogical space in which the reader meets theauthor but above all himself: a festival that has as its guiding theme the literature symbolically sets up a place of meeting between artists and public and, most of all, among communities, who find in the guiding theme of the festival a aggregator and a **activator

Also returning with the Pavese Festival are the Pavese Prize, with its five sections honoring the great writer, poet, editor, critic and translator and a new evening format on Friday, Sept. 13, and the Pavese Music Prize.

New for the 2024 edition, scheduled Sept. 9-11, is the “Listening to Literaturepodcast academy launched by CRC Innova and the Cesare Pavese Foundation in collaboration with Chora Media to create a podcast on Dialogues with Leucò.

The Pavese Festival also includes an off program, inaugurated on April 12 with Pulitzer Prize-winning writer and translator Jhumpa Lahiri, which will take the event to the territory and the rest of Italy.

The festival


The Pavese Festival was founded in 2001 as an annual festival of music, art, theater and books to pay tribute to the writer in his hometown.

In fact, the Pavese Festival brings the great protagonists of Italian culture to confront Cesare Pavese in a unique and intimate dialogue between people, literature, art and the hills of Santo Stefano Belbo, beloved by the writer.

Over the years the Festival has been transformed, now becoming an event not only for Pavese fans but also for those who want to visit an area recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2014.

Included among the three main events in the province of Cuneo, the Pavese Festival in fact offers the opportunity to discover the Langhe in one of the most significant seasons: the harvest season.

In fact, it is held in September, close to the birthday of Cesare Pavese, who was born here on September 9, 1908.

Organized by

Fondazione Cesare Pavese


02 September 2024

at 12:00


09 September 2024

at 00:00

How to participate

Program under development

Indirizzo: Fondazione Cesare Pavese, piazza Luigi Ciriotti, 12058 Santo Stefano Belbo, CN, Italia

Pavese Foundation

Fondazione Cesare Pavese, piazza Luigi Ciriotti, 12058 Santo Stefano Belbo, CN, Italia
Directions ↝

Fondazione Cesare Pavese

La Fondazione Cesare Pavese nasce nel 2004 per curare le manifestazioni del centenario della nascita dello scrittore (1908-2008). La Fondazione – partecipata dal Comune di Santo Stefano Belbo, dalla Regione Piemonte, dalla Provincia di Cuneo e dalla famiglia Pavese – raccoglie il testimone del Centro Studi “Cesare Pavese”.

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