Monforte d’Alba — Horszowski Auditorium
MonfortInJazz: Mauro Pagani
Mauro Pagani, forty years after the release of the album Crêuza de Mä, written with Fabrizio De Andrè, has decided to set sail on a new adventure accompanied by a crew of six musicians with a backing vocalist and a chorister
from Saturday
03 August 2024
at 21:30
to Saturday
03 August 2024
at 23:30
It will be the last concert for the 48th edition of MONFORTINJAZZ on Saturday, August 3.
Mauro Pagani, forty years after the release of the album Crêuza de Mä, written with Fabrizio De Andrè, has decided to set sail on a new adventure accompanied by a crew of six musicians with a backing vocalist and a chorister.
The enveloping sonorities, timeless and spaceless, narrated in an album that marked the history of contemporary Italian music and known for its fusion of musical styles, including folk, world music and rock, will be re-proposed.
A record voted by critics Best Italian Record of the 80s and reported by David Byrne among the ten most important records of the decade worldwide.
To crown this musical journey, there will be, then, the songs of his well-known and appreciated repertoire fruit of more than fifty years of career.
Mauro Pagani tells:
“Creuza de Ma turns 40 , Fabrizio and I, recorded it in 1983 and it was released the following year.
An album incollocabile in space-time, suspended, devoid of trends, archaic, but always current.
My need, as a man and as an artist, to hoist the sails, in these strange days, is irrepressible.
The routes that, writing the album, we imagined plied by spice-laden ships today are, in reality, an escape route, and for many, too many, from injustice.
The journey all over again, then, and, if possible, at an even higher volume, so that all may hear us well…”
The Festival
Clambering through the narrow streets of Monforte d’Alba, a stupendous center of the Piedmontese Langhe and home of great Barolo producers, one is always won over by the beauty of theHorszowsky Auditorium, located at the top of the ancient medieval village.
A unique place and one of the most special locations on the Italian festival scene: it is here that many of the best known and most appreciated protagonists of the international music scene have been giving life to a unique event for 43 years.
Artistic quality and refinement of the performers come together in the program of Monfortinjazz and more to offer an increasingly international, educated and prepared audience an unrepeatable suggestion.
The open-air auditorium takes advantage of a natural cavea set between the ancient bell tower at the top, the oratory of St. Augustine on the left and, at the bottom, the walls of Scarampi Castle and the oratory of St. Elizabeth as a backdrop to the stage.
The capacity of this space is only 800 seats,including the grandstands that are set up above exclusively for the festival.
The auditorium was named in 1986 after thegreat Russian pianist Horszowski on the occasion of one of his memorable concerts.
The acoustics ,precisely because of the particular conformation, is excellent and so is the visibility’ from every point of the cavea: all this in such a cozy space makes the concerts a unique and evocative experience for spectators and for the great international artists who honor us with their presence.
Organized by
Associazione Monfortearte
03 August 2024
03 August 2024
How to participate
40.25 € single seat
Indirizzo: Auditorium Horszowski, Via del Carretto, Monforte d'Alba, CN, Italia
Horszowski Auditorium
Auditorium Horszowski, Via del Carretto, Monforte d'Alba, CN, Italia
Directions ↝
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