Parodi Ligure — Abbey of San Remigio

Through Festival: Christian Greco

"The Museum and the Challenges of the Future: Research, Inclusion and Digital Transition" to talk about the change and evolution of major cultural institutions

from Wednesday

17 July 2024

at 18:30

to Wednesday

17 July 2024

at 20:30

Through Festival gets into full swing with appointments throughout the provinces of Cuneo, Asti and Alessandria.

A kaleidoscope of events ranging from meetings with journalists and writers such as Vittorio Zincone and Gianrico Carofiglio, to world-opening performances such as the environmental music reading by Cristiano Godano (Marlene Kuntz) and Telmo Pievani, and the Terconauti show on autism.

Reflections on the future of museums in the digital transition are also addressed with the director of the Egyptian Museum of Turin Christian Greco.

Two distinct approaches to language emerge with Alessandro Bergonzoni and sociolinguist Vera Gheno.

Christian Greco

Culture is universal, the past an open door to the present and the future, and must leave the halls to bring in the world.

That’s the view of Christian Greco, director of the Egyptian Museum in Turin, who comes to Attraverso Festival on Wednesday, July 17, with “The Museum and the Challenges of the Future: Research, Inclusion and Digital Transition” to talk about change and theevolution of major cultural institutions.

The venue for the meeting will be the historic Abbey of San Remigio in Parodi Ligure (AL), an ancient abbey settlement on the right bank of the Albedosa stream among the Gavi hills.

Museums do not just preserve memory: they build it. They are living organisms. And they are made up of women and men who daily question the biography of objects. Small steps from which subsequent generations can build on

Organized by

Attraverso Festival


17 July 2024

at 18:30


17 July 2024

at 20:30

How to participate

Free admission

Indirizzo: Abbazia di San Remigio, SP168, Parodi Ligure, AL, Italia

Abbey of San Remigio

Abbazia di San Remigio, SP168, Parodi Ligure, AL, Italia
Directions ↝

Attraverso Festival

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