Tasty reads

The provinces of Alessandria (Casale Monferrato), Bergamo, Brescia, Como, Cremona, Cuneo, Milano, Novara, Pavia and Vercelli.
Cheese of cow’s milk, fat, with raw, soft dough, seasoned.
Cylindric shape, 16-20 cm high, plain faces have a 25-30 cm diameter and the official mark impressed on them. It weighs 6 to 13 kilos. Rough and red rind, covered by aluminium.
The dough is compact, white or pale yellow, with green or blue veins caused by mould.
The “natural” gorgonzola has a more compact dough, more yellow and with more mouldy veins, while the “creamy” one has a whiter and softer dough.
Folk stories situate its origins around the X and XII century, near the town of Gorgonzola (not far from Milan), where the herds used to pass, returning from the alpine pastures, heading to the plains.
Lombardia has been, for centuries, the principal zone where this cheese was produced. In the beginning of this century, though, Novara started to become important; still today, it produces half of the Italian gorgonzola. Until the first decades of this century, the name of the cheese was still “green stracchino”.
It is made of whole cow’s milk, with ferments and spores, curdled at 28-32° C with calf rennet. After being stewed for 6 days at 20-22° C, the mould is pierced with big steele needles, for to mantain the internal oxygenation and promote the development of the spores.
There is a “double dough” traditional production technique, by which are put together in layers the evening milk curdled in the evening and the morning one.
The seasoning, that can last up to two or three months, happens in rooms witha temperature of 5-8° C. In shops are available two kinds of gorgonzola: the “Natural”one, more dry and very seasoned, and the “Creamy” one, made with milk together with cream.
Intense and prickly flavors leave mouldy traces in the “natural” gorgonzola; the “creamy” one has a more delicate scent. The “natural” gorgonzola has a more intense and sapid, a hotter taste, with slightly oxidised sides.
Alone or in dishes (Gnocchi with Gorgonzola).
Young Dolcetto d’Alba for the “sweet” or “creamy” gorgonzola; Barbera d’Alba for the “natural” one, or raisin Moscato.
Official classification: Presidential decree 30/10/1955.
Denominazione di Origine Protetta: Reg. (CE) n. 1107 deL 12/06/1996.