Art and culture
A Documentary About Langhe and Warehouses

A few months ago, while I was aimlessly surfing along the waves of the Net, I came a cross an apparently very interesting trailer, which I would like to share with you.
It’s a documentary, called “Langhe DOC – Storie di Eretici nell’Italia dei Capannoni” (Langhe DOC – stories of heretics in the Italy of warehouses), and was shot by Paolo Casalis, a young director from Bra.
The stories told in this documentary are stories of three Heretics, three persons which have decided to work and live “in another way”, “these are stories of whom has foreseen a future that was not pleasant, and refused it”.
Framing these three life experiences is a meditation about contemporary Italy, which reflects itself in the astonishing changes that have striken the landscape of the Langhe.
I had not yet the possibility to watch the full version, but I’m going to do that in the next days so, if interested, whatch out for a full review the next week.
In the meanwhile, enjoy the trailer (english SUBS):