
Omelette with onions

March 13, 2011
Omelette with onions


Medium-size onions
Grated Parmesan
1 handful
to taste
Extra virgin olive oil
enough for frying


Cat the onions in slices and cook them on a slow fire, until they are golden, on a pan with a little oil.

Beat the eggs in a bowl, then add the onions, the parmigiano and some salt.

Put the mix in the pan you eat al ready used and cook it with oil.

After a 10 minutes turn the omelette, usings a pan’s lid, and let it cook again, always on a not too strong fire.

Wen the omelette are coked, put it on blotting-paper.

Serve hot, in slices, with some salad.

It once was an omelette made with meat leftovers, in particular with those pieces that were a bit fat and not beautiful (called “troublesome”); with some slices of salami, monday dinner was ready.

Today it is appreciated simple, without the need to add meat.