
Frittata Rognosa Leftovers omelette

April 29, 2011


Cooked salami
200 g
Roasted veal (it can be a leftover)
200 g
Grated Parmisan
A handful
To taste
Extra virgin olive oil
Enough for frying


Mince the salami and the veal. In a bowl beat the eggs and add the minced veal and salami, the Parmigiano and salt.

Mix with care and put the mix in a pan where the oil is already very hot.

Cook for around ten minutes, being careful that it doesn’t stick to the pan and turning it over when it’s half cooked, with the aid of a pan’s lid.

Before serving it hot, put it on a sheet of blotting-paper for to absorb the exceeding oil.


It once was an omelette made with meat leftovers, in particular with those pieces that were a bit fat and not beautiful (called “troublesome”).

With some slices of salami, monday dinner was ready.