Egg and white Alba truffle mix

Peel and boil the potatoes then mash them very well onto a floured board. Break the egg into the potato mound and mix it in. Add the flour gradually to make a homogeneous mix.
Form long cylinders about 1 cm in diameter with the mix and cut into little pieces to form the individual gnocchi.
Pass the gnocchi over a floured fork to make little ridges on them. Boil abundant water in a large pan and add salt. Put the gnocchi into the water and when it begins to boil again drain them off.
Serve the gnocchi with butter and strips of raschera cheese. Mix delicately until the cheese has melted.
Su, il nostro negozio online, puoi comprare il tartufo bianco d’Alba e il tartufo nero, ricevendoli direttamente a casa tua.
Photo Credit: Cristina