Cake of Cevrin di Coazze

For the pastry
Take half of the Cevrin and cut it in very little pieces.
Put it in a bowl and add a little cream and the egg; mix until it’s soft and slightly liquid (if necessary, add a little milk).
Add the ham, cut into strips, or the speck if you prefer a stronger taste.
Rub the tins with butter, and put on the bottom a thin disk of pastry, about 12 cm wide, that will cover the bottom and sides of the tins.
Fill the pastry with the cheese mix, add pepper and cover with slices of the remaining Cevrin.
Put in the oven (at 180°C) for 20 minutes.
Serve hot.
Keep the butter in your hands until it’s soft, cut itin pieces and mix it with the flour.
Mix carefully for a long time, adding some drops of salted water now and then.
Then roll out the pastry with a rolling-pin, then cut the dishes to cover the tins.
The pastry will be much easier to roll if left some hours in the fridge.