Monteu Roero — Poderi Moretti winery farm
Open winery in harvest. Winery Tour
A visit to discover all the steps in the winemaking process and to taste some of the wines deliciously paired with a selection of local cheeses and cured meats
from Saturday
21 September 2024
at 10:30
to Sunday
22 September 2024
at 13:30
The Poderi Moretti winery is pleased to invite you to a tour of the winery To discover the deep roots of this recognized company Historic Enterprise of Italy.
The tour of our winery begins at the winemaking cellar, we will meet you at Frazione Occhetti no.
40 in Monteu Roero and then we will continue for a guided wine tasting at the second winery location at No. 15.
The two farmhouses are located in the Occhetti hamlet of Monteu Roero, in the heart of one of the best-known cru vineyards in the Roero area .
The full tour with tasting lasts about three hours and consists of a guided tour of the winery and adjacent vineyard, with an explanation by the winemaker of the various stages of wine production and aging.
During the day it will be possible to purchase our products, roasted hazelnuts and wines from the Langhe and Roero, which have won awards from major international wine competitions.
We recommend wearing comfortable shoes and clothes and bringing a jacket or sweater as the temperature in the cellars is cool to best preserve the quality of our wines.
The winery will be open, by reservation by phone or email.
Leashed pets welcome, with prior notice.
There will be two rounds of visits on Saturdays starting at 10:30 a.m. and 3 p.m., and single rounds on Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
Availability of up to 28 places per shift.
For large groups with special time or other needs, please contact us directly to check availability.
We bind to choose the same package for all people in the same group.
Any intolerances and allergies should be noted at the time of booking, a variant option of vegetarian and gluten-free local products to accompany the tasting of our wines is available.
Organized by
Poderi Moretti

21 September 2024
22 September 2024
How to participate
The packages we propose to visiting wine lovers: varying the number of glasses and the type of wines, each wine proposal is designed as a path to make you discover our territory at its best.
LANGHE-ROERO EXPERIENCE23,00 € per person (Roero Arneis DOCG, Langhe DOC, Roero DOCG Occhetti, accompanied by samples of typical Piedmontese cold cuts and cheeses).
LANGHE-ROERO CRU EXPERIENCE28.00 € per person (Roero Arneis DOCG, Roero Arneis DOCG Occhetti, Langhe DOC, Roero DOCG Occhetti, Roero Riserva DOCG, accompanied by samples of typical Piedmontese cured meats and cheeses).
I CLASSICI DELL'ALBESE32.00 € per person (Dolcetto d'Alba DOC (or alternatively Roero Arneis DOCG), Barbera d'Alba DOC, Barbera d'Alba Superiore DOC, Nebbiolo d'Alba DOC, Barolo DOCG, accompanied by samples of typical Piedmontese cured meats and cheeses).
GRANDI D.O.C.G. EXPERIENCE42.00 € per person (Roero Arneis DOCG, Roero DOCG Occhetti, Roero Riserva DOCG, Barolo DOCG, accompanied by samples of typical Piedmontese cured meats and cheeses).
Free for children up to 4 years old, without tasting €9.00 children 5-17 years old each, includes visit to the winery and tastings of cured meats and cheeses.
HOW TO REACH US Poderi Moretti (tasting room) Cascina Occhetti (visit winery and vineyards)
Indirizzo: PODERI MORETTI di Moretti Francesco - azienda agricola vitivinicola, Frazione Occhetti, Monteu Roero, CN, Italia

Poderi Moretti winery farm
PODERI MORETTI di Moretti Francesco - azienda agricola vitivinicola, Frazione Occhetti, Monteu Roero, CN, Italia
Directions ↝
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Poderi Moretti
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Poderi Moretti