Alba — medford square

Collisioni: Tedua + Silent Bob + Sick Budd + Nayt + Midas

Tedua formerly known as Incubo or Duate, one of the members of the Genovese music collective Wild Bandana, returns to Alba

from Sunday

07 July 2024

at 20:00

to Sunday

07 July 2024

until late night

The Collisioni Festival in Alba is an annual event that transforms the Langhe hills into an open-air stage.

Celebrated for its combination of music, literature and gastronomy, the festival attracts visitors with a variety of concerts, meetings with authors and wine tastings.

During the event, the city of Alba comes alive with performances by Italian and international artists.

In terms of logistics, the festival offers paid parking options with shuttle services connected to the city’s focal points.

Visitors can park in designated areas and use shuttles to conveniently travel to the city center, where the main events are held.

The festival area is also well served in terms of catering, with numerous food stands offering local and international foods.

This allows participants to enjoy tasty meals while attending events.

This event provides a wonderful opportunity to explore not only music and culture, but also the rich food and wine landscape of the Langhe.



On the Collisioni stage comes Tedua, bringing you“Paradise,” followed by Silent Bob, Sick Budd, Midas and Nayt, for his only date in Piedmont.

After “Paradise – Final Act” and the nearly five-year silence since his last record, with the June release of the highly anticipated third album “The Divine Comedy,” Tedua won 4 platinum and 7 gold records, which was followed by a sold-out arena tour within hours.

The rapper is set to take the stage at Collisioni, with what critics have called the best music show of the year by retracing the hits of his career.

Organized by



07 July 2024

at 20:00


07 July 2024

at 01:00

How to participate

48.40 € single seat

Indirizzo: Piazza Medford, Alba, CN, Italia

medford square

Piazza Medford, Alba, CN, Italia
Directions ↝


Collisioni è un festival no profit, organizzato da un’associazione di volontari che si sono uniti per dar vita a un polo culturale permanente in Piemonte, capace di parlare ai giovani e ai meno giovani e di abbattere le barriere culturali tra linguaggi diversi e diverse generazioni.

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