Ivrea — Dora Park Arena
Stateless: Ex-Otago + Three Merry Dead Boys
Third day of the festival, Ex-Otago fresh off their new album "Auguri" - out April 12 - return to the APOLIDE stage to thrill us and sing their hearts out
from Sunday
23 June 2024
at 16:00
to Sunday
23 June 2024
until late night
Third day of the Festival, Ex-Otago fresh off their new album “Auguri” due out April 12, return to the Apolide stage to thrill us and sing their hearts out.
Also performing in the evening will be the Three Merry Dead Boys and others.
It is a festival that takes place June 21-23 in Ivrea, with concerts, contemporary circus shows, performances, DJ sets and always new activities, all to be discovered.
Three days to get away from the daily routine and immerse yourself in an all-round cultural experience in the heart of Canavese, amid historical and natural beauty.
For more than two decades we have been working to create a dynamic and engaging event inspired by European festivals, whose roots and influences are deeply tied to the territory.
Three days to escape from the daily routine and immerse yourself in an all-round cultural experience in the heart of Canavese, among historical and natural beauty.
Organized by

23 June 2024
23 June 2024
How to participate
Tickets from €25.00 + presale fees.
Free admission up to age 10.
Indirizzo: Via Ezio Alberton, 2a, 10015 Ivrea, TO, Italia
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