Manta — Manta Castle
FAI Summer Evenings: full moon walks
Even the night gives unique moments to observe and listen to the forest, and the trail will allow you to discover the hilly environment around the Castle on the paths and roads illuminated by the full moon
from Saturday
20 July 2024
at 19:45
to Saturday
20 July 2024
at 22:30

From late June to early September 2024, FAI Summer Evenings are back. In FAI properties from the North to the South of the Peninsula, opening hours will be extraordinarily extended to offer a unique experience: continue visiting until sunset to enjoy the special atmosphere of summer evenings with a wide range of special initiatives.
More than 300 events are on the calendar, including aperitifs and picnics at sunset, concerts and shows under the stars, short astronomy lectures, cultural meetings at sunset, trekking and guided walks at dusk to discover the richly beautiful territories surrounding the Italian Environmental Fund properties.
Nature walks as the sun sets, sunset aperitifs, music and performances under the stars, small astronomy lessons.
Walk with a full moon
On the evenings of Saturday, July 20, August 17, and Friday, September 20, thecastle will be the starting point for “Walks with the Full Moon,” discovering the ways of nature and culture in the Monviso Biosphere Reserve – MaB UNESCO.
The night gives unique moments to observe and “listen” to the forest; the trail will allow people to learn about the hilly environment and landscape around Manta through paths and roads lit exclusively by the full moon.
Online reservation is required. The route will be on mixed terrain and is not suitable for strollers. Comfortable clothing, appropriate shoes and flashlight are recommended.
Possibility to have a picnic at the castle or an aperitif in the garden before the walk. Theexperience will take place only in good weather. In case of bad weather, visitors will be contacted for program modification.
The times are:
- 7:45 p.m. picnic in the garden or aperitif (reservation required)
- 9 p.m. walk along the walls followed by a special tour of the castle (duration: about 90 minutes)
Organized by
FAI – Fondo Ambiente Italiano

20 July 2024
20 July 2024
How to participate
€ 6.00 FAI member
€6.00 adult
FREE for children up to 5 years old
€3.00 (6-18 years old)
€ 6.00 student (19-25 years old)
€ 6.00 residents of the municipality of Manta
€ 6.00 subscription Museums Turin VDA
€ 6.00 National Trust members, INTO members, Bienfaiteurs Amis du Louvre members, sponsor convention, convention, custodian of Beauty, the 200 of FAI, Corporate Golden Donor
€ 6.00 persons with disabilities and accompanying person
15.00 family (2 adults and children 6/18 years old)
Indirizzo: Castello della Manta, Via De Rege Thesauro, Manta, CN, Italia
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