La Morra — Hills
On the paths of La Morra: walk!
A must-do walk to discover the wonders of the Langhe, an immersive journey through history, tradition and wine culture
from Saturday
14 September 2024
at 16:30
to Saturday
14 September 2024
at 18:30
The September 14 “Health Walk” in La Morra is an unmissable opportunity to discover the wonders of the Langhe, walking along the paths of the UNESCO heritage hills.
The event, organized by La Morra Events and Tourism in collaboration with the “Profondo Umano” festival and the “Paesi Tuoi” bookstore, is an immersive journey through the history, tradition and culture of wine, a true pillar of the local farming civilization.
The walk
During the walk, you will be accompanied by actor Paolo Tibaldi, whose engaging narratives will guide you through anecdotes and curiosities of the area.
The walk, suitable for everyone, is a perfect time to experience the area in an authentic way, delving into the link between wine and local traditions, through stories that will fascinate both experts in the field and simple enthusiasts.
The day will end with an aperitif, perfect for relaxing and sharing experiences among participants.
The appointment is for 4:30 p.m., with a duration of about 2.5 hours.
Appropriate clothing and footwear are recommended.
Organized by
La Morra Eventi e Turismo

14 September 2024
14 September 2024
How to participate
Cost of participation: €10.00 per person.
Free for children 0 - 12 Reservations required by email or phone.
WhatsApp only at +39 333 206 0148.
In case of bad weather we will postpone until a later date.
Indirizzo: La Morra, CN, Italia
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