Saluzzo — The Castile
Photography is woman
Guided tours of one of the most iconic series by twelve Magnum Photos authors, looking at the condition of women in the world
from Sunday
17 March 2024
at 15:30
to Sunday
17 March 2024
at 17:00
Sunday, March 17 guided tour of the exhibition project Photography is woman. The female universe in 120 shots by the Magnum Photos agency, from the postwar period to the present day, a journey among the most iconic images on the subject from the Magnum Photos archive, taken firsthand by internationally renowned female authors and a number of celebrated colleagues who, looking at the condition of women around the world, have documented the social changes of the past seventy years.
The project
Women behind the camera, but also placed in front of it; Women authors of images with which they express their world view or immortalized by shots that explore the multiple dimensions of the female universe, becoming, each as well as the other, protagonists of an intense narrative about the evolution of society over the past decades.
The exhibition, curated by Walter Guadagnini and Monica Poggi, through six thematic cores, tells how the body has been emblematic of the passage of individual and historical time.
Dealing with situations that are also very different from each other, in geographic space and years, the itinerary presents an insight into women’s lives from the end of World War II to the present.
Exhibition promoted and organized by the City of Saluzzo and Fondazione Artea, in collaboration with CAMERA – Italian Center for Photography, Magnum Photos and Fondazione Amleto Bertoni.
Meet at 3:30 p.m. at the Castile ticket office.
Organized by
MuSa – Musei di Saluzzo
17 March 2024
17 March 2024
How to participate
13.00 € full
7.00 € for Museum Pass holders
Free for boys and girls under 6 years old
Indirizzo: Piazza Castello, 1, Saluzzo, CN, Italia
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