Rittana — Community center
NewWorlds Festival: the fire
he world's smallest mountain film festival presents its 13th edition with a new look
from Friday
28 June 2024
at 18:30
to Thursday
27 June 2024
at 20:00
The world’s smallest mountain film festival, a member of theInternational Alliance for Mountain Film for the past few months, presents its 13th edition with a new look.
The festival will be held from June 25 to July 5 in Rittana and Roccasparvera.
For the first time, Base Camp will not be, as per tradition, in tiny Valloriate, but in nearby Rittana-also in the lower Stura Valley of Cuneo, but a handful of kilometers away.
For organizational reasons, it was not possible to stay in Valloriate, but it is since 2019 that the festival has been bringing events to neighboring towns. It is no coincidence that the Kosmoki Cultural Association, which materially organizes the festival, is moving this year in close collaboration with the Montagna Futura Cultural District, which brings together the municipalities of Valloriate, Rittana, Moiola, Roccasparvera and numerous associations that collaborate with the District
Silvia Bongiovanni, who shares the artistic direction of Nuovi Mondi with Fabio Gianotti, explains –
A participatory and widespread festival, therefore, which this year has as its motto:
The world is ours.
The Future Mountain Cultural District and the festival’s film program will be presented during a press conference on Tuesday, June 4 at 5:30 p.m. at Open Baladin in Cuneo.
Fabio Gianotti says:
Each year we chose a theme that was a direction of travel, an idea to pursue. We are living in unstable times as we have not for many years. We cannot ignore it and we cannot fail to become aware that if we are not the ones to find the lost stability, no one will find it for us. So never more than this year do we say that “the world is ours” and we must be the ones to care for it
The guests and films on the bill are all under the banner of this acknowledgement.
The program
On Friday, June 28, at 6:30 p.m., it will be journalist Cecilia Sala, author of the popular podcast “Stories,” who will take the stage at Base Camp with “The Fire – Reportage on a Generation between Iran, Ukraine and Afghanistan.”
Kateryna has 28 years old, made the model, has friends scattered around theEurope and in early 2022 hopes that war will break out in Ukraine: “I am not so cowardly as to wish to live under Vladimir Putin ‘s blackmail for years, counting on the fact that the task of dealing with him will then fall to another generation instead of mine.”
Today Kateryna is a soldier.
Assim has 23 years old, studies Aerospace engineering at Tehran University, and from the day Mahsa Amini died on Sept. 16, 2022, he and his group began writing Mahsa ‘s name in university bathrooms and train cars, “We didn’t know what we were starting.”
Nabila is a kick boxing champion, a lesbian, and a conservative adherent of the Islamic Republic, but like many religious women she considers the case of a girl stopped in a subway station for a botched headscarf and returned dead a few days later to her family.
Cecilia Sala was born in 1995 in Rome and has worked both in newsrooms and as a freelance journalist, covering mostly foreign affairs. From 2014 to 2018, he attended international economics atBocconi University in Milan, from which he discontinued his studies six exams after receiving his bachelor’s degree.
In 2015 she began working as a correspondent and reporter with Vice; later she began working with Michele Santoro on Servizio pubblico on LA7, where she became a professional journalist.
Over the years, he has worked with Vanity Fair, L’Espresso, RAI, and Will Media, and has worked in the newsroom of Otto e mezzo on LA7.
As of November 2019, he joined the editorial staff of Il Foglio.
In 2020, Dust, a podcast on the murder of Marta Russo in collaboration with Chiara Lalli, is released for Huffington Post.
In May 2021, the audio series also became a book, Dust .
The Marta Russo case, published by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore Strade Blu.
As of January 10, 2022, she becomes the author and voice of a new podcast, Stories, from Chora Media, which tells stories from the world every day.
Organized by

28 June 2024
27 June 2024
How to participate
€7.00 ticket and presale
Purchase tickets at the following link.
Indirizzo: Via Roma, 5, San Mauro, Rittana CN, Italia
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