Bra — Bra Civic Library

The night of the puppets

Give your children a moment of magic and then let their toys tell them about it

from Friday

22 March 2024

at 20:00

to Saturday

23 March 2024

at 12:00

On Friday, March 22, the children’s section of the Bra Civic Library opens for a special initiative: “Puppet Night.”

In the afternoon, Girls and boys will be able to personally accompany In the facility on Guala Street their soft toys, puppets and games And, after listening together to a story, Will be able to leave them in the library, where they will experience a ‘unusual nighttime adventure among the shelves full of books, only to return for them on the morning of Saturday, March 23.

Librarians and librarians will take care of the puppets so that they can have a cheerful night with each other: they will all dine together and before bedtime they will visit the library reserved only for them, take part in reading activities and can borrow a book from portare at home to their children.

But that’s not all: the nighttime adventures of the puppets will be documented with many photos at the highlights.

The experiences of the previous hours will be recounted the next day in the library at the reunion.

Organized by

Comune di Bra


22 March 2024

at 20:00


23 March 2024

at 12:00

How to participate

Free admission

Information and reservations required exclusively by phone at 0172.413049

Indirizzo: Biblioteca Civica, Via Ernesto Guala, Bra, CN, Italia

Bra Civic Library

Biblioteca Civica, Via Ernesto Guala, Bra, CN, Italia
Directions ↝

Comune di Bra

Bra è uno dei maggiori centri del Barocco Piemontese. Di grande impatto sono le imponenti costruzioni che si affacciano sulla vecchia piazza del mercato (oggi piazza Caduti per la Libertà), formando ideali cornici alla piazza stessa: il Palazzo Comunale, Palazzo Mathis, Palazzo Garrone e la chiesa di S. Andrea.

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