Torino — Royal Museums Turin

Guercino - the painter's craft

More than 100 works by Guercino and coeval artists to present the great art of the Emilian master and together tell the story of the craft and life of seventeenth-century painters

from Tuesday

23 April 2024

at 09:00

to Sunday

28 April 2024

at 19:00

The exhibition aims to trace Guercino’s activity and art from his training to his full maturity, thanks to first-rate masterpieces, some reunited for the first time, while recounting the significance of the painter’s craft during the 17th century.

The challenges of the profession, production systems, workshop organization, market and commissioning dynamics, and the most popular subjects and topics.

Beginning with the significant nucleus of paintings and drawings belonging to the collections of the Galleria Sabauda and the Royal Library by the “monster of nature” that was Guercino, as Ludovico Carracci called him, more than one hundred works by the Emilian master and coeval artists will be on display.

great draughtsman and felicitous colorist: he is a monster of nature and a miracle to amaze those who see his works. I say nothing: he makes the first painters remain stupid.

On the roll call are Carracci, Guido Reni, and Domenichino-from more than 30 major museums and collections, including the Prado Museum in Madrid and the Monastery of San Lorenzo in El Escorial-to bring to life a grand fresco of the art system of the time.

The seventeenth century takes to the extreme the taste for the depiction of the affections, the heated gestures, the close and engaging vision of events, and Guercino is a true master in this, both in the rendering of figures and in painting the richly detailed scenic apparatus.

Curators Annamaria Bava of the Royal Museums and by Gelsomina Spione of the University of Turin:

“Guercino masterfully stages the last act of tragedy, making the spectator participate and transporting him into the sublime emotion of the baroque spectacle.”

The exhibition is produced together with CoopCulture with Villaggio Globale International scheduled from March 23 through July 28, 2024 in the Royal Museums’ Chiablese Rooms.

Organized by

Musei Reali Torino


23 April 2024

at 09:00


28 April 2024

at 19:00

How to participate

15.00 € FULL

2,oo € REDUCED
(18 to 25 years old)


under 18 years of age

Persons with disabilities and one accompanying person

teachers with schoolchildren

tour guides with groups

Ministry staff

Museum Pass holders

Torino+Piemonte Card, ICOM Card

Open from March 23 until July 28, 2024

Indirizzo: Musei Reali di Torino, Piazzetta Reale, Torino, TO, Italia

Royal Museums Turin

Musei Reali di Torino, Piazzetta Reale, Torino, TO, Italia
Directions ↝

Musei Reali Torino

I Musei Reali collaborano con enti e aziende che credono nell’importanza della cultura come risorsa strategica per lo sviluppo e per il benessere della società. La missione dei Musei Reali è preservare e valorizzare il patrimonio di monumenti, di opere e di spazi che ha avuto origine dalla storia dinastica della famiglia Savoia e che qualifica un compendio urbano collocato nel cuore della città antica, ponendolo in una relazione dinamica con l’esperienza dei visitatori e sviluppando opportunità di migliore accesso, di conoscenza, di creatività e di diletto. Utilizzando strumenti tradizionali e di nuova concezione nel campo della comunicazione, dell’interpretazione e della presentazione, i Musei Reali intendono offrire ai loro pubblici un servizio dinamico, innovativo e accogliente, finalizzato alla crescita culturale nel campo della storia e delle arti visive.

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