Rocca Grimalda — Belvedere Marconi

Through Festival: Alessandro Bergonzoni

What is it all about? It is about treating: women and men as people, art with imagination, children with effusion, wanting to create the ministry of intuition, pining for Everything and staging long circuits between stage and audience

from Wednesday

17 July 2024

at 21:00

to Wednesday

17 July 2024

at 23:00

Through Festival goes into full swing with appointments throughout the provinces of Cuneo, Asti and Alessandria.

A kaleidoscope of events ranging from meetings with journalists and writers such as Vittorio Zincone and Gianrico Carofiglio, to world-opening performances such as the environmental music reading by Cristiano Godano (Marlene Kuntz) and Telmo Pievani, and the Terconauti show on autism.

Reflections on the future of museums in the digital transition are also addressed with the director of the Egyptian Museum of Turin Christian Greco.

Two distinct approaches to language emerge with Alessandro Bergonzoni and sociolinguist Vera Gheno.

Alessandro Bergonzoni

For the first time at Attraverso Festival one of Italy’s most original and eclectic theater artists, Alessandro Bergonzoni, will present his show “Sempre sia rodato: 20 open rehearsals indoors or vice versa” in Rocca Grimalda (AL) on Wednesday, July 17, for the first of a double date.

Bergonzoni writes:

What is it all about? It is about treating: women and men as people, art with imagination, children with effusion, wanting to create the ministry of intuition, pining for Everything and staging long circuits between stage and audience. And getting to Tanto

Organized by

Attraverso Festival


17 July 2024

at 21:00


17 July 2024

at 23:00

How to participate

€18.00 single ticket

Indirizzo: Belvedere Marconi, Via Parasio, Rocca Grimalda, AL, Italia

Belvedere Marconi

Belvedere Marconi, Via Parasio, Rocca Grimalda, AL, Italia
Directions ↝

Attraverso Festival

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