Upcoming Events

  • 01 May

    Una straordinaria mostra sul Barocco italiano con opere di artisti immortali

    Mondovì Exhibitions


  • 01 May

    A major international exhibition of contemporary art that provides a unique opportunity to view works of great quality and expressive modernity

    Costigliole d’Asti Exhibitions

    The art of imagination esposizione

  • 01 May

    Un tour guidato da un archeologo professionista per un itinerario con tre tappe del percorso archeologico cittadino

    Alba Culture & Cinema

    Alba Sotterranea

  • 01 May

    Taste the wines of Langhe, Roero and Monferrato at the many stands set up in the streets of the city center

    Alba Fairs & Festivals

  • 01 May

    Vinum 2024's street food, full of tasty, top-quality menus that can be enjoyed while strolling through the beautiful village streets of Alba

    Alba Fairs & Festivals

    Vinum - street food

  • 01 May

    Appointments with outdoor sports followed by a rejuvenating feast of Monferrato specialties and good wine return

    Outdoor & Sport


  • 01 May

    Vinum days dedicate moments for children to discover, while having fun, the beauty of the territory and the "wine value"

    Alba Fairs & Festivals

  • 01 May 06 May

    Una delle più importanti collezioni d’Europa di fossili di cetacei in mostra per la prima volta nel suggestivo scenario dell’Ex Chiesa del Gesù di Asti, per stupire e meravigliare soprattutto i più piccoli

    Asti Exhibitions

    Mostra il Leviatano e le sirene - Asti

  • 01 May

    Una visita guidata, un viaggio-racconto che da Casa Cavassa vi porterà alle botteghe degli artigiani per rivelare le tracce del passato del territorio

    Saluzzo Exhibitions


  • 01 May

    The perfect marriage...between food and wine, a tasting that brings together PDO cheeses and the great wines of Piedmont

    Alba Food & Wine

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  • 01 May

    A blind tasting dedicated to Piedmontese bubbles and their flavors and aromas

    Alba Food & Wine

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  • 01 May

    A small musical journey in which to combine wine tasting with listening to live music.

    Roddi Food & Wine