Neive — Center

Langhe Photo Festival

International photography festival in the heart of the Langhe: an immersive experience to live in an enchanting land

from Saturday

14 September 2024

at 11:00

to Sunday

17 November 2024

at 22:00

langhe-photo-festival- eventi

The international photography festival, in the heart of the Langhe .

Neive, one of Italy’s Most Beautiful Villages, is the setting for the LanghePhotoFestival.

Promoted by the LAC Cultural Association, the LanghePhotoFestival was envisioned as an immersive experience to be lived in an enchanting territory, capable of creating cultural exchanges and hosting dialogues between people, involving a local and international audience, schools, institutions and businesses.

All this to explore the contemporary world through the tool and language of photography.

This year’s event will run through Nov. 17, 2024, through a circuit of exhibits that will wind through open-air installations, exhibitions in historic and private buildings, the latter opened to the public specifically for the festival.

The second edition will host a selection of internationally prominent photographers who, in addition to the photo exhibition, will give lectures and talks open to the public. In addition, a photo contest will be promoted in which everyone, both amateurs and professionals, can participate.

The second edition

It will be the age

We all confront the concept of age every day: we think about our date of birth, the expectations we build about people with years more or less than us, the signs of time on our faces, our bodies, our perception of our present and future.

We declare membership in a generation as if this can be a convenient or limiting factor, depending on the situation.

Infant, adult, adolescent, old man. We tend, always and culturally, to categorize ourselves at the poles of these timelines by which we scan the phases of our existence.

Being young and being old are the two experiences that most easily coexist in anyone’s life, and “You’re too young to understand…” and “When you’re my age…” are the two phrases we will all hear or say at least once in our lives.

Ageism is a form of devaluation that we can all happen to identify with at one time or another.

LanghePhotoFestival, in this edition, exploring birth, freedom, the simplicity of the joy and pain of existence, weaves together the cultures, identities and emotionality of the world’s people, bringing before everyone’s eyes the wonder of life’s inexhaustible variety.

The entire festival exhibition, presented under the title It will be the age, can be understood as a large, alternative and universal family album.

The title of this edition, light-hearted and light-hearted in flavor, keeps open all those naturally existential questions and reflections that each of us can delve into through the projects that the photographers of this edition, between documentary and personal photography, offer us.

It may be age shows something that feels familiar, but at the same time is not. It may be age is a statement of humanity.


This edition will also feature unmissable guests and works such as:

  • Deanna Dikeman
  • Gabriele Galimberti
  • Alex Liverani
  • Martina Albertazzi
  • Stephen Mirabella
  • Yarin Del Vecchio

Organized by

Comune di Neive


14 September 2024

at 11:00


17 November 2024

at 22:00

How to participate

Exhibitions and events scattered throughout the city.

Free events.

Full program on the website

Indirizzo: Neive, CN, Italia


Neive, CN, Italia
Directions ↝

Comune di Neive

Comune di Neive  

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