Manta — Manta Castle
Trekking and cultural walks: Manta Castle and its surroundings
In the "Monviso Biosphere Reserve - MaB UNESCO", walking to discover the environment and landscapes surrounding the Castle of Manta
from Saturday
25 May 2024
at 10:00
to Saturday
25 May 2024
at 17:00
Against the backdrop of Monviso stands a medieval fortress of severe charm, which in its baronial hall holds one of the most stunning examples of late Gothic secular painting, inspired by the themes of chivalric novels.
We are talking about Manta Castle, which stands about 40 kilometers from Turin.
Established in the 13th century as a military outpost, the stronghold underwent a major transformation in the 15th century thanks to the cultured and enlightened Valerano, lord and regent of the Marquisate of Saluzzo, who transformed it into a sumptuous family residence in conjunction with the establishment of the Manta fiefdom.
The FAI organizes in its surroundings nature guides that will accompany visitors in cultural walks, from the garden by the street of the grove and the wall street to the Donkey, and in hill treks, departing (and returning) from Manta Castle to the Castiglia di Saluzzo or Verzuolo Castle.
Not just walks, but a multifaceted project offering themed tours and meetings dedicated to the connections between the environment, health and the identity of places.
The route
By the ancient Manta hill road to Pilone Botta and the Church of San Lorenzo in Saluzzo, descending to Castiglia with a return via San Bernardino Street along the Marchese promenade and the lowland road leading back to Manta.
- Trekking departure 10 a.m.
- Duration 3h
- Length and elevation gain: 10 km and 250 m D+
- Difficulty: E-Excursion (medium training required)
- Recommended equipment: hiking shoes and clothing, water
- Guided tour of Manta Castle at 2:15 p.m.
cultural walk around the castle
From the castle garden along the street of the old parish church, skirting the old walls to the Ciuchè, a watchtower that was part of the medieval ricetto, transformed in the late 19th century into a bell tower, walking, finally, along the “via della boschina,” recently recovered by the FAI.
This is followed by a guided tour of the castle.
- Departure 1:45 p.m. – 2:45 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
- Duration: 1h
- Difficulty: T-Touristic
Getting there
By car
A6 Turin-Savona highway, exit Marene, continue to Savigliano and Saluzzo.
From here follow the signs to Manta.
With Trenitalia
Connections between Turin and Saluzzo have the following frequency:
- 8 outward and 8 return, with change in Savigliano, on weekdays from Monday to Friday (total travel time 1h)
- 37 outward and 38 return on Saturday to Savigliano with continuation to Castle by regular bus
- 26 outward and 25 return on Sunday to Savigliano with continuation to the Castle by regular bus
You can take regional trains from Porta Nuova with intermediate stops in Carmagnola or Cavallermaggiore or the sfm7 metropolitan train service from Porta Susa with stops in Turin Lingotto, Moncalieri, Trofarello, Villastellone, Carmagnola, Racconigi, and Cavallermaggiore.
From Saluzzo station, the Castle can be reached by a regular bus service.
Organized by
FAI – Castello della Manta
25 May 2024
25 May 2024
How to participate
Entrance tickets with hill trek (duration 3 hours) and guided tour of the Castle (50 minutes):
free admission for children up to 5 years old
9.00 € FAI member
20.00 € full (19+)
53.00 € family: 2 adults and children (6-18 years old) €
13.00 € student (19-25) €
13.00 € reduced (6-18) €
9.00 € National Trust members, Bienfaiteurs Amis du Louvre members, residents of the municipality of Manta, persons with disabilities and accompanying person
Admission tickets with Castle tour and cultural walk (90 minutes duration):
free admission for children up to 5 years old
6.00 € FAI member
17.00 € full (19+)
44.00 € family: 2 adults and children (6-18 years old) €
10.00 € student (19-25) €
10.00 € reduced (6-18) €
6.00 € National Trust members, Bienfaiteurs Amis du Louvre members, residents of the municipality of Manta, persons with disabilities and accompanying person
You can reserve the picnic basket (at least 48 hours in advance).
On site, the bag with the aperitif to be consumed in the garden is for sale.
Indirizzo: Castello della Manta, Via De Rege Thesauro, Manta, CN, Italia
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