Narzole — Fraz Vergne

Samuel Vaira for Life

A benefit evening with music, entertainment and bar service to remember Samuel

from Friday

05 July 2024

at 18:00

to Saturday

06 July 2024

until late night

Back, with the 3rd edition, SamueleVairaPerLaVita a party, at Cascina Barone, with music, fun and food to remember young Samuele.

Program Friday 5

From 22:00 DIVINA BAND in concert

Goofy 80s disco DJ will follow.

Program Saturday 6

From 6 pm for singing friends: KARAOKE with Marika & Roby.

From 10 p.m. Nomad Wing in concert.

Goofy 80s disco DJ will follow.

Friday and Saturday from 6 p.m. bar service with sandwiches, pizza, chips, desserts, wine, beer, cocktails and new this year, mixed fried fish.

All proceeds will go to charity UGI ODV of the Regina Margherita Hospital in Turin.

In case of bad weather, the event will be moved to a date to be determined.


Organized by

Tenuta del Barone


05 July 2024

at 18:00


06 July 2024

at 23:45

How to participate

Free admission

Large lighted parking lot

Indirizzo: Vergne, Narzole CN, Italia

Fraz Vergne

Vergne, Narzole CN, Italia
Directions ↝

Tenuta del Barone

La Cantina Tenuta del Barone di Maurilio Vaira offre da anni uve e vini piemontesi D.O.C. A tutti i nostri clienti, inoltre, offriamo la possibilita` di visitare la cantina, fare degustazione vini nelle Langhe e vedere da vicino i nostri vigneti e la tartufaia. Vendiamo vini piemontesi dal produttore al consumatore e uve per la produzione di vino.

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