Torino — Stupinigi Hunting Lodge

OGR Sonic: Cristiano De Andrè

A tribute to his father Fabrizio, 25 years after his death, and to his songs imprinted in the collective memory and still extremely relevant today

from Wednesday

17 July 2024

at 21:00

to Wednesday

17 July 2024

at 23:30

The sixth edition of Sonic Park Stupinigi also in the summer of 2024 brings to the historic garden of the Palazzina di Caccia di Stupinigi – a Savoy residence and Unesco World Heritage Site – great music and concerts not to be missed under the banner of the best Italian music.

The international share-always characteristic of the festival signed by Fondazione Reverse with the production of Fabio and Alessio Boasi, promoted by the City of Nichelino and Sistema Cultura Nichelino-is guaranteed by the second edition of “OGR Sonic City,” the project of concerts and appointments in collaboration with OGR Torino.

Stupinigi Hunting Lodge

It is the magical and extraordinary place that has hosted Sonic Park since 2018. A Savoy residence dedicated to hunting and feasting, the Palazzina di Caccia di Stupinigi is among the most extraordinary 18th-century complexes in Europe. Built to the design of the famous architect Filippo Juvarra starting in 1729, the Palazzina is a wonderful and original Baroque masterpiece, aUNESCO World Heritage Site since 1997.

The central hall is a large double-height oval room with striking “concave-convex” trending balconies and an original inverted boat dome, a true work of naval carpentry, surmounted by the symbol of Stupinigi, the deer.

All the rooms are embellished in perfect Rococo style with lacquers, gilded stucco, mirrors, porcelain, frescoes, and cabinetry by Bonzanigo, the favorite sculptor of the Kings, and Pietro Piffetti, the leading cabinetmaker of his time.

Cristiano De Andrè

Atmospheres will become collected, and intense, for the concert of CRISTIANO DE ANDRÈ on July 17.

The only true heir to DeAndre’s musical heritage, he will bring to the stage the best of Faber’s repertoire accompanied by inseparable musicians Osvaldo di Dio on guitars and Davide Pezzin on bass.

At keyboards returns Luciano Luisi, who arranged the first two volumes of the “De André #DeAndré – Best Of Live Tour” trilogy, and on drums comes Ivano Zanotti. Christian himself, not only singer-songwriter but skilled multi-instrumentalist, will play the acoustic guitar and classical, bouzouky, piano, and violin, taking the viewer on a journey that addresses Fabrizio‘s great work.

Organized by

Sonic Park


17 July 2024

at 21:00


17 July 2024

at 23:30

How to participate

€57.50 first sector
€51.75 second sector
44.85 third sector
€39.10 fourth sector
€33.35 fifth sector

Tickets can be purchased on the Dice app or on TiketOne at the following link.

Indirizzo: Palazzina di Caccia di Stupinigi, Piazza Principe Amedeo, Stupinigi, Nichelino, TO, Italia

Stupinigi Hunting Lodge

Palazzina di Caccia di Stupinigi, Piazza Principe Amedeo, Stupinigi, Nichelino, TO, Italia
Directions ↝

Sonic Park

La quarta edizione del festival di musica e cultura ti aspetta nel giardino della Palazzina di Caccia di Stupinigi. Sonic Park Stupinigi | Nichelino (TO).

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