Moncalvo — Civic Museum of Moncalvo

Exhibition: tribute to Gino Mazzoli

The Civic Museum of Moncalvo pays tribute to one of Monferrato's most important artists: Gino Mazzoli

from Saturday

01 June 2024

at 10:00

to Sunday

02 June 2024

at 18:00

Gino Mazzoli ritratti

Art returns to prominence at the Moncalvo Civic Museum with the new 2024 season of openings at the cultural hub on Via Caccia, which will host a full calendar of temporary exhibitions to complement the permanent collection.

In fact, the new calendar of art exhibitions promoted by A.L.E.R.A.MO. Nonprofit beginning next Sunday, April 14, through June 2, 2024 , when the first exhibition of the 2024 season, entitled “Family Portrait,” will be inaugurated as part of the section dedicated to Piedmontese personalities, dedicated to the painter Gino Mazzoli on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his death.

The Casale Monferrato-born artist was a well-known painter and portraitist in Rome, where he had a studio for a long time.

The works in the exhibition are kindly made available by the artist’s daughter, Mirella, to pay homage to the famous 20th-century portraitist who immortalized illustrious figures of the 20-year period, politicians and artists (his is a portrait of Bistolfi) but also cardinals and, not least, Pope John XXIII.

Mazzoli attended the Accademia Albertina with excellent results and began his career with many solo shows and participation in major exhibitions.

He opened a studio in Rome where he lived for a long time and frequented the circles of the Roman intelligentsia, meeting de Chirico, among others.

Precious drawings expressing the artist’s innermost signs will also be presented in the exhibition, as well as a sculpture from his youth as a reminder of his beginnings and his father’s desire to see him as a sculptor.

The exhibition produced with the critical collaboration of Professor Giuliana Romano Bussola and the contribution of a young artist voice such as Letizia Tueros Huancahuari also sees, among other things, a historical contribution by Dr. Alessandro Allemano who offers a fresco of the society of that period.

He will curate the exhibition with A.L.E.R.A.MO. Nonprofit member Antonio Sgammato and Professor Roberta Vergagni, a professor of Japanese language at the University of Turin and a contributor to the Museum of Oriental Art in the Piedmontese capital.

Collaboration with theBelveglio Castle Concert Society, with whom concerts will be organized at the finissage and greeting party for the closing of the museum year, will continue in 2024.

Organized by

Museo Civico di Moncalvo


01 June 2024

at 10:00


02 June 2024

at 18:00

How to participate

5.00 € full ticket

Free admission for children up to 13 years old


From April 14 to June 2, Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

(weekdays by reservation at 351 9493084)

Indirizzo: Museo Civico di Moncalvo, Via Caccia, Moncalvo, AT, Italia

Civic Museum of Moncalvo

Museo Civico di Moncalvo, Via Caccia, Moncalvo, AT, Italia
Directions ↝

Museo Civico di Moncalvo

Il Museo Civico di Moncalvo è una tappa che darà un tocco in più alla tua visita. Allocato nelle sale che un tempo furono del convento delle Orsoline in Via Caccia al numero 5, il museo è un piccolo gioiello che stupisce turisti e visitatori. Troverete esposta la collezione privata dell’ambasciatore moncalvese Franco Montanari, donata alla città di Moncalvo, una preziosa pinacoteca con opere di Guttuso, de Chirico, Chagall, Afro, Maccari e tanti altri pittori del Novecento, nonché opere di arte africana e anche una raccolta di arte giapponese tra cui stampe, dipinti seicenteschi e Kakemono. È possibile ammirare tra le altre opere, tre capolavori di Orsola Maddalena Caccia, tre meravigliose nature morte che in realtà sono narrazioni teologiche, vere e proprie preghiere. L’A.L.E.RA.MO Onlus che gestisce il Museo in convenzione con il Comune, allestisce tutti gli anni svariate mostre temporanee di vario genere in modo da incontrare l’interesse di tutti. Tutte le mostre e gli eventi vengono promosse e presentate sul sito web. Un modo nuovo, accattivante e accogliente di fare cultura.