
Monteu Roero — Rome Square

Monteu Roero: secret stories on the Settembrine and Crotin trail

Unmissable excursion at the gates of autumn, in the most scenic and legendary places of the Roero, to admire the majestic centuries-old chestnut trees

from Saturday

28 September 2024

at 10:00

to Saturday

28 September 2024

at 16:30

Unmissable excursion at the gates of autumn, in the most scenic and legendary places of the Roero, to admire the majestic centuries-old chestnut trees, the striking sandy walls of the Rocche and hidden treasures.
A true fairy-tale landscape!
The hike unfolds in the heart of the Roero where the fracture of the Rocche makes for an evocative, fairy-tale landscape; secluded, wild hills frequented during the 1800s by bloody local brigands, among whom the name of Francesco Delpero, known as “Rejnè,” stands out.
The village of Monte Acuto is dominated by a castle that holds stories and mysteries that have been handed down for centuries: local history says that the emperor stayed for a time inside the austere manor.
After walking through an evocative stretch of forest we will reach the clearing of the Castagna Granda, a monumental chestnut tree over 400 years old whose circumference exceeds 10 meters.
We will continue following scenic paths on the edge of the “Dantean” Rocche and visiting truly fairy-tale places

The visit of the Crutins

Upon returning to the village, those who wish can participate in a guided tour of the “Crotin.”
The crotin of Monteu Roero are a hidden treasure of the Rocche; they can be visited thanks to the tours organized by the Bel Monteu Cultural Association.
At the end there will be a moment of friendly conviviality at a local in the historic center.


Meet at 9:50 a.m. at Piazza Roma, Monteu Roero (Cn). Departure 10:00 am. Return in the early afternoon.
To end on a high note, we propose a convivial time at the village wine bar (optional).


Trail length about 15 km. Total elevation gain 305 m.
Excursion of great scenic, historical and geological interest. Excursion led by tour guide, AIGAE environmental hiking guide, Piedmont Region with narration of the area and in-depth information. Appropriate clothing and footwear recommended, packed lunch for short break. In case of expected bad weather, contact Terre Alte.

Organized by

Terre Alte Escursioni e Turismo


28 September 2024

at 10:00


28 September 2024

at 16:30

How to participate

EXCURSION €15.00 per person (excluding tastings and any visits) Free of charge under 12 years old. By applying for the Friendly Card (free of charge) for every 10 excursions you will be entitled to, 1 free. Reservations for the excursion can be made to Terre Alte through the form on the website, WhatsApp or phone. CROTIN VISIT 2.00 € per person for the optional but recommended tour of the Crotin, and the village, with the "Beu Monteu" Cutural Association.

Indirizzo: Piazza Roma, Monteu Roero CN, Italia

Rome Square

Piazza Roma, Monteu Roero CN, Italia
Directions ↝

Terre Alte Escursioni e Turismo

Turismo attivo esperienziale. Escursioni condotte  da una guida turistica e naturalistica della Regione Piemonte, enotrekking, escursioni a tema, visite narrate, visite aziende e cantine, degustazioni.