Calamandrana Alta — Village

Through Festival: Terconauti

The Terconauts show their daily lives with an autistic person, highlighting their normality and debunking prejudices and stereotypes about the autism spectrum

from Tuesday

16 July 2024

at 21:00

to Tuesday

16 July 2024

at 23:00

Through Festival gets into full swing with appointments throughout the provinces of Cuneo, Asti and Alessandria.

A kaleidoscope of events ranging from meetings with journalists and writers such as Vittorio Zincone and Gianrico Carofiglio, to world-opening performances such as the environmental music reading by Cristiano Godano (Marlene Kuntz) and Telmo Pievani, and the Terconauti show on autism.

Reflections on the future of museums in the digital transition are also addressed with the director of the Egyptian Museum of Turin Christian Greco.

Two distinct approaches to language emerge with Alessandro Bergonzoni and sociolinguist Vera Gheno.


In the charming village of Calamandrana Alta (AT), nestled in the green hills of Asti, the protagonists are siblings Damiano and Margherita Tercon, together with Philipp Carboni, better known as the Terconauti.

Staged on the evening of Tuesday, July 16, with “A Story of Normal Autism,” the show mixes cabaret, comedy sketches, dialogues with the audience, video projections and opera singing.

Damian, 40, who is autistic and an aspiring opera singer, is supported by Margherita, his sister and sidekick who helps him realize his dreams. Philipp, nicknamed “the slave,” is Margherita‘s boyfriend, eager to be of help to the couple.

The show deals withautism and relationships from a comedic perspective, alternating with moments of reflection.

The Terconauts show their daily lives with an autistic person, highlighting their normality and debunking prejudices and stereotypes about the autism spectrum.

Focusing on potential rather than limitations, they talk about individuals rather than diseases, offering a humorous and loving perspective on sensitive issues such asautism.

Organized by

Attraverso Festival


16 July 2024

at 21:00


16 July 2024

at 23:00

How to participate

€10.00 single ticket

Indirizzo: Calamandrana, AT, Italia


Calamandrana, AT, Italia
Directions ↝

Attraverso Festival

2 mesi, 22 comuni coinvolti, 3 province, 180 km di territori Unesco inseriti nella World Heritage List tra Langhe, Roero, Monferrato e Appennino Piemontese, per un unico grande festival.

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