Torino — Major Repair Workshops

OGR Sonic City: Dogstar feat Keanu Reeves

DOGSTAR, the California rock band formed by guitarist and vocalist Bret Domrose, drummer Robert Mailhouse and actor and bassist Keanu Reeves are coming to Italy

from Sunday

30 June 2024

at 21:00

to Sunday

30 June 2024

at 00:00

The sixth edition of Sonic Park Stupinigi also in the summer of 2024 brings to the historic garden of the Palazzina di Caccia di Stupinigi – a Savoy residence and Unesco World Heritage Site – great music and concerts not to be missed under the banner of the best Italian music.

The international share-always characteristic of the festival signed by Fondazione Reverse with the production of Fabio and Alessio Boasi, promoted by the City of Nichelino and Sistema Cultura Nichelino-is guaranteed by the second edition of “OGR Sonic City,” the project of concerts and appointments in collaboration with OGR Torino.

What is OGR Turin?

OGR Turin, the majestic late 19th-century industrial complex in the heart of Turin, has been a key player in the city’s growth for nearly a century, redeveloped starting in 2013 thanks to Fondazione CRT.

OGR Torino is now the new beating heart of creativity, culture and entertainment projected toward the world: from former Train Repair Workshops to new Workshops of contemporary culture andinnovation with an international vocation.

Dogstar feat Keanu Reeves

A must-mark date on the calendar is June 30 to hear DOGSTAR feat KEANU REEVES live, the musical project of one of the most iconic actors on the international scene, which was born in 1991 among young friends playing in garages and remained dormant for years.

Only with the arrival of the pandemic did the historic friends reunite and finally get their hands on new pieces, so much so as to mark an official comeback in May 2023-more than 20 years after their last performance together.

Organized by

Sonic Park


30 June 2024

at 21:00


30 June 2024

at 00:00

How to participate

€40.25 full price

Tickets available for purchase on TiketOne at the following link.

Indirizzo: OGR - Officine Grandi Riparazioni, Corso Castelfidardo, Torino, TO, Italia

Major Repair Workshops

OGR - Officine Grandi Riparazioni, Corso Castelfidardo, Torino, TO, Italia
Directions ↝

Sonic Park

La quarta edizione del festival di musica e cultura ti aspetta nel giardino della Palazzina di Caccia di Stupinigi. Sonic Park Stupinigi | Nichelino (TO).

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