Mondovì — Former Church of St. Stephen
Exhibition: Andy Warhol - Influencer
In Mondovi, after Caravaggio, comes Andy Warhol: master of poster images with his timeless icons as well as father of Pop Art
from Saturday
02 November 2024
at 10:00
to Sunday
03 November 2024
at 20:00

Andy Warhol, the early forerunner of trends long before the term “influencer” was used, and his impact is still reflected today.
The monographic exhibition (60 works) on theworld artist was presented in theformer church of Santo Stefano, Mondovì (organized by Piemonte Musei together with the cultural associations Be Local, Insieme and Ordine dei Cavalieri delle Langhe).
The curator is Gianfranco Rosini, theofficialopening is July 13 , and it will remain open until Nov. 10.
The setup will be a in-depth journey into the artistic career of Warhol:artist, figure worldly and provocateur, Warhol, with his iconic gray wig silver, jeans and turtleneck sweater, has surpassed the barriers of time and gender without thehelp of social media.
From Diane Keaton to Steve Jobs, those clothes became symbols of intellectual simplicity, despite theaura of eccentricity that surrounded Warhol‘s genius.
Exhibition route
The exhibition is organized into major thematic areas, allowing visitors to follow Warhol ‘sartistic evolution through different stages of his career:
- Beginnings as a Graphic Designer (1940s and 1950s):
early artistic experiments and portraits of the famous rock stars of thetime, testifying to his early talent for capturing theessence of celebrities and popular culture. - Iconic Screenprints:
portraits of Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, and Elizabeth Taylor, works that marked an era and represent the pinnacle of his technical skill. - Campbell’s soup can series.:
an artistic provocation that challenged the conventions ofart and consumer culture. - Productions of the 1970s and 1980s:
images dedicated to “Interview” magazine, founded by Warhol himself in 1969, reflecting his role as a trendsetter and his connection to the world of fashion and entertainment. - Music Area:
original covers and listening to songs by authors such as David Bowie, Lou Reed, and the Velvet Underground, artists deeply influenced by Warhol, who combined visual arts and music in a unique and innovative way. - Literary Corner:
books dedicated to theartist to delve into the cultural and social context in which he worked, providing a comprehensive overview of his lasting impact in the art world and beyond.
Organized by
Piemonte Musei

02 November 2024
03 November 2024
How to participate
Tue - Fri 3:00 pm → 7:00 pm
Sat-Sun 10:00 a.m. → 8:00 p.m.
12.00 € open ticket (without date or time, usable throughout the exhibition period)
10.00 € full ticket
8.00 € over 65, Journalists (registered), Teachers, Tour Guides and Disabled Escorts
6.00 € Groups (min 10 people - max 25 people), Under 18, University students, Museum Pass and conventions**
4.00 € schools (free for accompanying teacher)
Free for children under 6, disabled
Visible from July 13 to November 20, 2024
Indirizzo: Ex Chiesa di Santo Stefano, Via Sant'Agostino, Mondovì CN, Italia

Former Church of St. Stephen
Ex Chiesa di Santo Stefano, Via Sant'Agostino, Mondovì CN, Italia
Directions ↝
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