
Bra — Spreitenbach Square

Bra's Festival: Baratti meets Tenuta Montefantino

Three days dedicated to sweetness on the Rocca in Bra to taste and purchase Baratti&Milano products presented by Simona of Tenuta Montefantino

from Friday

20 September 2024

at 18:00

to Friday

20 September 2024

until late night

On the occasion of the Braid event Bra ‘s Festival, which celebrates Bra sausage and local excellence every two years, Tenuta Montefantino meets Baratti&Milano in the central Spreitenbach Square.
For the occasion, Simona, owner of the Montefantino wine shop will present and taste the delights of the historic Turin-based company: sweets, chocolates, many types of candies and the ever-present cremino, a delicious three-layer praline recognized for its creaminess and delicacy and declined in 13 interpretations. It will be possible to pair each tasting with a sampling of Montefantino-produced wines from Clavesana, which has been present for more than 20 years with its store in Bra at 15 Piumati Street.

Montefantino Estate

Tenuta Montefantino is a family-run winery that produces the most representative DOC and DOCG wines of the Piedmontese tradition.
The long family tradition, has been able to combine a love for the territory with an openness to Italian and international wine production, not limiting itself exclusively to wines and grappas.
In fact, in the wine shop you can find typical products from the territory and outside the region, such as jams and marmalades, cookies, honey, chocolate, flours, sauces, artisanal fruit juices and other gastronomic delights, all strictly selected and of high quality.

Piedmont Hazelnut PGI.

Montefantino’s experience is also found in the production and processing of I.G.P. Piedmont Hazelnuts from which roasted shelled hazelnuts, cream spread, flour and hazelnut cake are made.

Baratti & Milan

Founded in 1858, Baratti & Milano, is part of Italian confectionery history.
The high quality of its products won important recognition from the very beginning, so much so that it was able to boast the Savoy coat of arms as “supplier to the Royal Household.”
It was from the historic café in the heart of Turin, opened in 1875 and now a historic establishment in Italy, that its fame developed.
After more than 160 years, it is among the most prestigious Italian brands in the world of chocolate and confectionery, and its creations are sought-after and beloved refinements.
Baratti & Milano creates its specialties by taking care of the entire supply chain and developing the entire production cycle at the Bra plant, a laboratory and theater of the typical specialties of the Piedmontese confectionery tradition: from Cremini to Gianduiotti, from Classic Candies to Geleè.

Organized by

Tenuta Montefantino


20 September 2024

at 18:00


20 September 2024

at 00:00

How to participate

Free admission.

Indirizzo: Piazza Spreitenbach, Bra, CN, Italia

Spreitenbach Square

Piazza Spreitenbach, Bra, CN, Italia
Directions ↝

Tenuta Montefantino

Tenuta Montefantino è un’azienda vinicola a conduzione familiare che produce i vini DOC e DOCG più rappresentativi della tradizione piemontese. La sede aziendale dispone di un’apposita sala degustazione dove i titolari, i fratelli Andrea e Mauro Ghigliano e la moglie di quest’ultimo Simona, conducono gli ospiti alla scoperta dei vini della produzione. Sono inoltre presenti quattro punti vendita a Bra, Moncalieri, Carignano Torino.

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