Asti Langa Articles in this collection Churches The church of Saint Mary N/A Churches The parish church of saint George N/A Churches The parish church of saint Lawrence N/A Churches The parish church of San Giorgio Scarampi N/A Churches The parish church of the Immaculate conception N/A Churches The Saint Anthony Chapel N/A Castles The Castle of Olmo Gentile N/A Churches The parish church of saint Anthony the Abbot N/A Churches The parish church of Cessole N/A Churches The parish church of the Assunta N/A Buildings and Monuments The tower of Castellino Tanaro N/A Churches The parish church of saint Eusebio N/A 1 … 3 4 5 6 7 8 Subscribe to our newsletter. Be the first to discover all the news and offers! "*" indicates required fields Name* Email* You will never receive spam and your address will be kept confidential.We respect your privacy.