
Priocca — Mondodelvino Wine Experience

Mondodelvino Wine Experience: Visit and Tasting

Guided tour and tasting at the Mondodelvino Wine Experience interactive museum for an immersive immersion in the world of Italian wine

from Sunday

03 March 2024

at 16:00

to Sunday

03 March 2024

at 17:30

On Sunday, March 3, 2024, from 4 to 5:30 p.m., guided tour and tasting at the Mondodelvino Wine Experience interactive museum in the heart of Roero in Priocca.
The guided tour of the Mondodelvino Wine Experience museum promises to bean immersive immersion into the world of Italian wine, combining fun and education through multimedia and multisensory interactivity.
With an expert guide leading the way, participants will be taken on a short journey of discovery of wine, starting with viticulture and ending with production methods applied in the winery and tasting techniques.
The presence of interactive screens and sensory stations will allow the senses to be involved in a complete experience.
In addition, the museum offers the opportunity to test oneself through quizzes on grape varieties and winemaking, a fun way to test one’s knowledge about wine and learn new information.
The guided tour will focus on the sensory experience of tasting, a field that will be explored through modern tasting techniques and through the use of sensory stations and interactive games.
The tour will culminate in a guided tasting, where visitors will have the opportunity to put into practice what they have learned in the museum.
They will thus have the opportunity to appreciate the diversity of styles and aromas of some carefully selected wines, thus enriching their sensory experience and knowledge of the world of wine.


Organized by

Turismo in Langa


03 March 2024

at 16:00


03 March 2024

at 17:30

How to participate

10.00 € guided tour and tasting of 1 goblet.
10.00 € members Associazione Turismo in Langa 2024: guided tour and tasting of 2 glasses.
It will be possible to make payment on site.
For info on Turismo in Langa Association memberships for the year 2024 click here.
Reservations required while spaces last.
To book the experience fill out the online registration form.



Indirizzo: Mondodelvino Wine Experience, Via Umberto I°, Priocca, CN, Italia

Mondodelvino Wine Experience

Mondodelvino Wine Experience, Via Umberto I°, Priocca, CN, Italia
Directions ↝

Turismo in Langa

Dal 1988 l’obiettivo dell’Associazione Turismo in Langa è quello di valorizzare le bellezze del territorio, assecondandone l’inevitabile vocazione turistica. Nel corso degli anni abbiamo lavorato con impegno e passione, in stretta collaborazione con le amministrazioni pubbliche, con volontari e produttori, per la valorizzazione del territorio. Anche noi, così, possiamo dire d’aver contribuito a rendere le Langhe celebri in tutto il mondo per il turismo enogastronomico, ma soprattutto per il loro straordinario patrimonio paesaggistico e culturale, per i castelli, i musei e per le tante iniziative. Oggi l’impegno di Turismo in Langa continua, sospinto dai successi ottenuti in questi anni: insieme a soci e collaboratori, non ci stanchiamo di immaginare nuovi itinerari e ideare eventi e manifestazioni innovative.